Bike Safe


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Hi Judd,

I did something similar during a biker themed weekend at Butlins years ago.
A bike Cop followed groups of approx 5 riders for about 20 miles. Then we stopped & he told us what he thought of our riding.
I was with 2 mates. 1 got told he indicated way too late. I got told that I ride too close to the centre of the road.
The other mate was/is cocksure that he could out-ride Rossi.
So he loved that the other 2 of us got minor criticisms.
Until the Cop got to him.
The guy ripped his riding style apart & told him to give up & purchase a car! 🤣


Legendary Knight
Afternoon Chaps,

Any of you have any experience or knowledge of these workshops? Or recommend others?

You can split hairs with some of it but this is the bible of 'how to ride and not get dead'


Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
Afternoon Chaps,

Any of you have any experience or knowledge of these workshops? Or recommend others?

I did this a few years back after getting caught speeding & generally riding like a twat by an unmarked police car, my solicitor told me it might help sway the Magistrates if I showed that I was seeking help with my riding.
I had done RAC/ACU training when I was a teenager, then went onto do the instructors course, Bikesafe is very similar in that it is taught by Police Motorcyclists using the roadcraft manual.

The Bikesafe course will be 1 instructor, 2 pupils, the boring bit (if you have done it before) is half the day is spent in the classroom working on theory, then after lunch you get an observed road ride putting it all in practice.
The course teaches you about observation, road positioning & general good practice in how to stay alive on a motorcycle, I would recommend it, I got assessed an 'A' as a rider confident & safe on the road, we showed this to the Magistrates when I went to court & I didn't get a ban, however this was more down to the CPS inability to provide video evidence when requested by my brief, so the video was not allowed to be used :cool:.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I’m all over the place. Avoid white lines, pot holes, manhole covers, dodgy cambers and read well ahead so wide into a bed clip the apex and wider out. Don’t hog the centre so much as follow the RH tyre track to keep off the oily stripe. Cobbles and tram lines in Edinburgh are the worst hazards long with the private taxis!

I also avoid Plod!

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
I still remember my instructors course with a very experienced Police rider, he used to come out with some right nuggets of wisdom ...

"If there's horse shit on the road, they'll be horses, so slow down"

"If there's hay on the road there will be a tractor & trailer round the next couple of bends"

"If you're on a country road approaching a staggered T junction & a car pulls out of the junc to the left, never overtake it, 90% will then turn right"

All of these things are common sense when you think of it, but sometimes the obvious needs to be pointed out!

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Afternoon Chaps,

Any of you have any experience or knowledge of these workshops? Or recommend others?

When I did my bike IAM, it was a follow-up to doing one of these with Essex plod.

Any observation and input on your riding is going to be a good thing.

If you want to improve your riding, taking the advanced test following training by IAM is a good route to follow. They can be a bit pompous, but less so than I was expecting, and the input is spot on. And yep, it is all based on Roadcraft.
