What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
Yup deffo an own goal there as pointed out @chas don't know about the respected bit though, Dry lube eliminates over sloppy decks as they say :whistle:
When it comes to the nuts an bolts stuff I'll always doff my hat. I know fuck all, just picked stuff up along the way. My youngest asked me once when I was fixing the fridge door back on 'Dad, how do you know how to fix stuff?' and my reply was 'people who know stuff will usually tell you what they know. If they don't tell you it usually means they don't really know either. I know stuff because I ask people who do know stuff'.

You're one of those people Don.

But we now know you favour talc over vaseline . Swings and roundabouts mate ;)

half ton

Legendary Knight
Today I have thought mostly about selling the Bonnie,I think the Matchless will do me for the foreseeable future and if it turns out not to be then I will swap it in on something else. Had the Bonnie for over 8 yrs,Which is a record for me (usually keep em about 18mths.) But the time has come for a lighter bike and speed plays no tune on my heart strings anymore,I just want to get out and enjoy my last few years of biking,lots to see around the UK and I'm looking forward to some exploring during my retirement,


Legendary Knight
Today I have thought mostly about selling the Bonnie,I think the Matchless will do me for the foreseeable future and if it turns out not to be then I will swap it in on something else. Had the Bonnie for over 8 yrs,Which is a record for me (usually keep em about 18mths.) But the time has come for a lighter bike and speed plays no tune on my heart strings anymore,I just want to get out and enjoy my last few years of biking,lots to see around the UK and I'm looking forward to some exploring during my retirement,
You'll wait till the Matchbox is on the road though, surely?