What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
Only ever seen it from the outside but I'd love to have an explore on that site @Sarky B’stard If I remember correctly it is said to contain tens of thousands of tonnes of ordnance. I recall once I was behind a car coming up the Loch Long road from the south and the fellow, I am imagining it was by mistake, turned into the access road to the base from the Loading dock and almost out of thin air two squaddies appeared in full combat dress with guns trained on him from both sides. I bet it smelled foul inside that car afterwards!

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Not riding due to going out last night for a curry and my arse feels like it's been raped with no poppers in sight. Also, being up at stupid o'clock for over two weeks doing work in Russia has killed me off lol My eyes are shot, my head is banging and now my arse is throbbing, and according to the wife - i stink of shit.

Basics mate, Bog rolls in the fridge before having a curry

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Only ever seen it from the outside but I'd love to have an explore on that site @Sarky B’stard If I remember correctly it is said to contain tens of thousands of tonnes of ordnance. I recall once I was behind a car coming up the Loch Long road from the south and the fellow, I am imagining it was by mistake, turned into the access road to the base from the Loading dock and almost out of thin air two squaddies appeared in full combat dress with guns trained on him from both sides. I bet it smelled foul inside that car afterwards!
Just rows of sheds containing crates and boxes.


Legendary Knight
I have to admit @Public Enemy that Britt and my other Bonnie are absolutely my favourite bikes of all time. Thumping along on a sunny day you just feel 'this is the life'. Sure I like my Daytona which is planted, very civilised and precise and it's bloody fast and the Sprint RS is like the nutso evil twin of the Daytona that will kill you if you ain't careful but the Bonnie is just so confident, stable, aggressive without being deadly, laid back without being 'soft' and the damn thing actually handles really well. The Bonnie's are going to stay with me until either I can't ride any more or they die of old age!

I know what you mean, and I love my Bonneville too. However my Moto Guzzi is becoming my favourite choice for country roads, and I don't think it is just honeymoon period.
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Legendary Knight
Well I went out for just a short spin on the Daytona today. She is a cracking bike too but she is definitely a speed machine and it wasn't the most fun being stuck behind lumber trucks and dawdlers at 40mph. I feel as if all the fun with her is in excess of 60mph and below that she is not a happy bunny. I didn't expect the roads around here to be as busy as they were today. Couple of Photos here taken at the head of the Glen before heading home. I must admit I love her looks. There is something squat, sleek and menacing about her even though she is one of the most civilised bikes I have ever ridden.



Sword of Fenrir
Well I went out for just a short spin on the Daytona today. She is a cracking bike too but she is definitely a speed machine and it wasn't the most fun being stuck behind lumber trucks and dawdlers at 40mph. I feel as if all the fun with her is in excess of 60mph and below that she is not a happy bunny. I didn't expect the roads around here to be as busy as they were today. Couple of Photos here taken at the head of the Glen before heading home. I must admit I love her looks. There is something squat, sleek and menacing about her even though she is one of the most civilised bikes I have ever ridden.
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If I wanted to I could get really jealous, Marty! Loved my Daytona CE. Motorways (rarely!) to country lanes it would handle 'em all. Never did find its limits - way above mine I would say!


Legendary Knight
Way above mine too @stevethegoolie I think I back off in the twisties way before the bike would even start to lose grip. I have gone for miles and miles without even touching the brakes as she goes through bends at 70+ without even having to stick a knee out let alone lean her over more than a little and, if I do find myself needing to stop in a hurry the brakes pull her up sharpish.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
If I wanted to I could get really jealous, Marty! Loved my Daytona CE. Motorways (rarely!) to country lanes it would handle 'em all. Never did find its limits - way above mine I would say!

Nope - and I know I never will with mine either. Even on a trackday, I am so nowhere near! But it's stable and planted and screams like a banshee :)

However, the GS was my steed this morning as I headed out to buy cheese, visit a gym I'll be using, pick up some kit cleaner form J&S, and have a quick blast before guests arrive and there is no bike riding until Mon pm.



Legendary Knight
I was amazed at just how beautifully civilised the Daytona is having been riding my Sprint RS. By comparison the RS feels like it wants to murder you when you open the throttle and going round bends feels like you are dicing with death even though it has a lot less horses and is very closely related. I guess the frame geometry of the Daytona is what makes it so much more 'planted' and smooth given that the gearbox, wheels and swingarms are common parts.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Looks like a.n.other hugger to me Duck.
It's there to do a job, being pretty isn't really part of that job description.
I'll happily add the stripes that were on the original though, if that'll help? Even though you initially declared all the stripes to be "gay". Then decided you like them after other folk said they look good 😉

Out of curiosity, how many miles has the bike covered now? You're getting through that rear tyre but the wear looks fairly even across the tread pattern.
From memory, it had 5060 on the clock 16 weeks ago.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Took the Monster to have a look at Lyveden Manor, where there is an unfinished Elizabethan summer house. You'd have thought the lazy bastids would have finished it by now 🤔, they've only had about 400 years 🙄

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That definitely makes me feel much better about all my DIY projects 😃


Forum Duck
Looks like a.n.other hugger to me Duck.
It's there to do a job, being pretty isn't really part of that job description.
I'll happily add the stripes that were on the original though, if that'll help? Even though you initially declared all the stripes to be "gay". Then decided you like them after other folk said they look good 😉

Out of curiosity, how many miles has the bike covered now? You're getting through that rear tyre but the wear looks fairly even across the tread pattern.
From memory, it had 5060 on the clock 16 weeks ago.
To be fair I really don't know what the mileage is on Stacy now..I will check when I get home...
Tyres do seem to be wearing fast so a different make of tyre may soon be in order...