What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
I just saw my poor bike in the landlady's garage..Poor thing..builders and carpenter as been in and out recently and they have moved Stacy around quite a bit as I understand...
She's absolutely covered in sawdust and crap..
Unfortunately I can't move her out the garage to wash her down and spruce her up as I'm still on a bloody walking stick at the moment..
Breaks my heart to see her like that..
Hopefully by the end of next week I shall no longer need the stick and shall be able to sort it out and if I'm really lucky be fit enough to ride her Christmas day weather permitting of course...
Now that's what I want for Christmas 🎄 🥰🦆

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
I just saw my poor bike in the landlady's garage..Poor thing..builders and carpenter as been in and out recently and they have moved Stacy around quite a bit as I understand...
She's absolutely covered in sawdust and crap..
Unfortunately I can't move her out the garage to wash her down and spruce her up as I'm still on a bloody walking stick at the moment..
Breaks my heart to see her like that..
Hopefully by the end of next week I shall no longer need the stick and shall be able to sort it out and if I'm really lucky be fit enough to ride her Christmas day weather permitting of course...
Now that's what I want for Christmas 🎄 🥰🦆
Nothing more annoying than a dirty bike you can’t clean up:oops:

Hope your leg gets better soon and all good in Duckland again:)


Legendary Knight
I just saw my poor bike in the landlady's garage..Poor thing..builders and carpenter as been in and out recently and they have moved Stacy around quite a bit as I understand...
She's absolutely covered in sawdust and crap..
Unfortunately I can't move her out the garage to wash her down and spruce her up as I'm still on a bloody walking stick at the moment..
Breaks my heart to see her like that..
Hopefully by the end of next week I shall no longer need the stick and shall be able to sort it out and if I'm really lucky be fit enough to ride her Christmas day weather permitting of course...
Now that's what I want for Christmas 🎄 🥰🦆
Sounds like the builders need a clout with that stick.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Just taken the bike out for a good blast down the A249 to Little Common via Pevensey Castle to test a few recent purchases out and start the oil level checks as recommended previously by you fine chaps(y)

Oil level on return after resting and on paddock stand



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Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Headed out for a bimble yesterday but cut it a bit short as started hitting pockets of dense mist.

Still managed a nice circuit and in fact the way the land was undulating and bits disappearing into the mist was quite beautiful.

And had a chuckle when some impatient fool in their Mini had to come right up my arse in a 30 as we approached the NSL sign revving their engine. The GS may be a bit of a barge, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to a bleedin' Mini!



Forum Duck
I could not stand knowing my Stacy was covered in shit..
So early this morning along side my walking stick just in case I pushed her ever so carefully out of the garage to a position I could dust her off soap her up and get her back to her rightful self..It took nearly three hours for me to get her respectful again and all lubed up but boy was it worth all that hobbling back and forth...
I would have loved to have taken her out but I know my leg ain't quite right yet..However another few days and just may be...🦆

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Freezing fog. I may be many things but not suicidal. Besides, the bastard heating packed up and it wasn’t the usual zone control valve extemporised fix of manual override. The entire mechanism had ground its teeth so it’s festooned around the hot water tank with the micro switch taped so the boiler gets power. New head on click’n’collect first thing. BUGGERATION!

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
That looks gorgeous (y)

After my 'last ride before guests get here' this morning, the GS looks slightly less gorgeous, not that it ever looks that pretty in the first place!

Bit of fog, but far, far less traffic out than yesterday, so a pleasant blat :)

Only fly in the ointment was Buttercups Cafe was shut - no cuppa & no cake!

Gotta wait until at least the 26th for another ride now :(;)



Legendary Knight
Got out for a wee spin of about 60 miles round my local 'manor'. First time out on two wheels in bleedin' weeks, damp, feckin' cold with strong gusts of winds but I really needed it to blow the cobwebs away! The BBC weather claimed it was sunny, clear skies and five degrees C pretty much across the whole of southern Argyll when I left home in cold wet rain with wall to wall cloud. I was hoping that it might be clearer skies once I got out of my own glen as it can have it's own wee weather system here but no, as I travelled down the Cowal peninsula and then came back north again it was still wall to wall cloud, varying levels of rain/sleet and sudden nasty gusts of wind that had me on the verge of brown trouser time now and then in the bends. Hands, face, legs and feet were a wee bit cold by the time I got home but, thanks to my Sheepskin 'Irvin' jacket my body was toasty and warm with just a T-shirt on under it.


Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Got out for a wee spin of about 60 miles round my local 'manor'. First time out on two wheels in bleedin' weeks, damp, feckin' cold with strong gusts of winds but I really needed it to blow the cobwebs away! The BBC weather claimed it was sunny, clear skies and five degrees C pretty much across the whole of southern Argyll when I left home in cold wet rain with wall to wall cloud. I was hoping that it might be clearer skies once I got out of my own glen as it can have it's own wee weather system here but no, as I travelled down the Cowal peninsula and then came back north again it was still wall to wall cloud, varying levels of rain/sleet and sudden nasty gusts of wind that had me on the verge of brown trouser time now and then in the bends. Hands, face, legs and feet were a wee bit cold by the time I got home but, thanks to my Sheepskin 'Irvin' jacket my body was toasty and warm with just a T-shirt on under it.

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Bikes looking nice @MartytheMartian


Legendary Knight
I'm well aware that flying jackets offer zero protection in the event of an accident @Sarky B’stard You have informed me of this fact on numerous occasions in the past but I took the decision to take the risk on having minimal protection in the event of an accident in favour of being exceptionally toasty and warm and endeavouring to take special care to try and avoid falling off my motorised bicycle.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I'm well aware that flying jackets offer zero protection in the event of an accident @Sarky B’stard You have informed me of this fact on numerous occasions in the past but I took the decision to take the risk on having minimal protection in the event of an accident in favour of being exceptionally toasty and warm and endeavouring to take special care to try and avoid falling off my motorised bicycle.
I'm more concerned about the entire flock of sheep that were forced to give up their lives in order to make you a flying jacket! 😔

No offense, & Merry Christmas 🤗