What have you done to your bike today....

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Weather warning from the weather app for thunderstorms from 12.00 so took the bike for a run to Seaford along the coast roads through Seven Sisters then back up via Alfriston to home

Amazing to think many of these little villages have been here since Saxon times(y)

Anyway sun was shining and not a drop of rain:p

And a check of oil levels


All Is good in the World (y)

The bike has been standing since 17th December oil at same level so I can rule out standing leaks

Detective work of mystery oil loss continues:ninja:
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Legendary Knight
Weather warning from the weather app for thunderstorms from 12.00 so took the bike for a run to Seaford along the coast roads through Seven Sisters then back up via Alfriston to home

Amazing to think many of these little villages have been here since Saxon times(y)

Anyway sun was shining and not a drop of rain:p

And a check of oil levels

View attachment 13432

All Is good in the World (y)

The bike has been standing since 17th December oil at same level so I can rule out standing leaks

Detective work of mystery oil loss continues:ninja:
It's a brilliant place to live in.

Can you please shut the fuck up about it :D

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
You sent me back over 40 yrs (oh Gawd he’s off again 😝) mentioning Alfriston because I once had three very quick pints in the George there during a Sandhurst exercise.
It was a timed night march along the South Downs way where we got dumped off adjacent Eastbourne Golf Club and were set off in ’bricks’ (a 4 man patrol) every so often. We started sometime in March as it was getting dusky and I worked out if we speed marched to Alfriston we could squeeze in a couple of wets before closing time. We could then make up time later during the night. We had 17 & a half hours to be just N of Chichester…. Plenty of time 🤨
Well we stuck the radio aerial out of the window and sent a couple of location reports, as we were obliged, but not entirely accurately 🙄. The quick beers ended up taking maybe half an hour or more. They were refreshing, the locals seemed amused by squaddies in the bar and we had LOADS of time.
Well we set off again at a fair lick but I remember the bladder stops and a change in the weather as fog descended and so did the temperature. The midnight Mars bar was a lifesaver. Visibility was crap and we had a startled encounter with stampeding cattle sometime in the small hours. If you’ve never walked the South Downs you won’t appreciate the elevation changes where the river valleys penetrate to the sea or how pretty Brighton can look twinkling above a layer of freezing fog 50’ below the top of the Down. By this point our schedule was looking extremely dodgy because we were breaking through frozen crusts of mud into cattle churned soil and visibility was down to a few feet. You simply couldn’t move fast AND navigate without risking major route deviations or falls.
When dawn came up the mist started to burn off and we had to run most of the last 5 miles to make the checkpoint. I say ‘checkpoint’ because after 48? miles overnight we had a three mile timed run to breakfast and the bus back to Camberley.
I remember nothing of that journey but the night March, run & egg banjo before collapsing? Oh it’s still pretty vivid. Mostly because of the pub interlude that caused all the grief. Just after commissioning our Directing Staff Captain (invalided out of Hereford to recover from a back injury parachuting) asked us what on earth had happened because he’d run ahead to join our group and accompany us part way. We told him we’d been in the pub. He laughed his socks off. He might not have done if he’d had to go as far, as fast, as we did! I have never been so lean or fit as that night in Alfriston.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Me regular bimble round Melton - gorgeous, felt like spring not mid-winter.

And as I've recently made some negative observations about car drivers I've encountered, I thought I'd even it up with a positive one - saw the best driven Rav4 ever today - clearly knew the roads and was flying through the twisties - I was impressed!



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Me regular bimble round Melton - gorgeous, felt like spring not mid-winter.

And as I've recently made some negative observations about car drivers I've encountered, I thought I'd even it up with a positive one - saw the best driven Rav4 ever today - clearly knew the roads and was flying through the twisties - I was impressed!

Myself, Public Enemy & Duck had a little meet up for a cuppa & a breakfast buttie in Melton Mowbray in Nov 2020.

I know what you mean about the roads being awesome, even in a car 😃
I used the 2+tonne Ford SUV & still had a right blast.
I followed (chased) a guy in a nearly new Audi TT Quattro for a good 10 miles. When he eventually turned off, he gave a thumbs up.
That was appreciated but I bet he was driving with one hand on the wheel & drinking a coffee.
I on the other hand, felt like I'd done 10 rounds with Hulk Hogan! 😳 🙂

half ton

Legendary Knight
I had a good high speed bimble on some Northampton twisties once, I was 2 up on my RD500 and was bimbling with a Lotus Carlton...Feckin front wheel spent more time in the air than it did on the ground,Mate loved it but I was wringing wet when the Carlton finally turned off....then had to sit for 10 mins while my mate stretched his legs cos his arse got too bloody hot because the top 2 pipes were very close to the underside of the Pillion seat, Which explained the shiny foil under the seat :whistle:


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Yep, one of things I like about living here is the decent roads - when I lived in Ldn, I'd have had to ride for an hour just to get to roads like that.

Thumbs up from the guy in the Audi was nice - it's good when you engage with another petrol head like that on good roads.

I was definitely happy with the result Doc 🙂
My daily driver Ford is a fantastic posh van. But it's less nimble than a pi$$ed up pig on rollerskates 🥴
Especially when compared with a 4 wheel drive Audi TT.
The guy probably wasn't trying? But I'll still take his thumbs up as a compliment 😃

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I would not look askance if he did.

I revisited Pett Bottom the other day.

The locals seemed to like it.
You do surprise me…..not. But then again I believe you have done the Grand Tour and have pictures to prove it:


Legendary Knight
You do surprise me…..not. But then again I believe you have done the Grand Tour and have pictures to prove it:
I don't know if it's on the above, as it only goes from 17 to 31, but I grew up on a little NCB estate, and one of the names was Fanny Avenue. My sister lives on there now.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I don't know if it's on the above, as it only goes from 17 to 31, but I grew up on a little NCB estate, and one of the names was Fanny Avenue. My sister lives on there now.


Legendary Knight