What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
What's that I hear you all say.whats Duck done on his bus today you were all wondering...
Well its funny you should ask cos my guts tells me you all really wanna know...
Just done a college run from Buxton to leak in absolutely diabolical weather conditions..Big heavy scania being blown all over the place and zero visibility at times..coming the other way I spy some poor cnut on a bike really struggling to stay on the road..Thought to myself he's not gonna make it..So on return journey I kept an eye out for the bike and body and lo and behold I come across the same biker walking along trying hard to push his bike along the road...
Thought to myself well I ain't the kinda bloke to stop and help a biker with l plates on and risk my job and everything no sir not me..Besides its probably illegal and everything and what do I care if the daft so and so gets killed by a passing truck or anything..
So I left the poor bastard to his fate and thought fuck it I ain't no soppy bollox help someone in distress kinda guy..I got a reputation of being a bastard to think of 😉🦆
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Top man. Fair play to you mate.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Nice ride today, about 3 hours including a stop for something to eat.

Not a thrash, riding with my older neighbour, but nice to get out.

Pretty nippy, but not freezing, and dry, whihc is the main thing.

Time to chill with a nice glass of port and a bit of Ms S's fruit cake :)



Legendary Knight
Took the KTM out for an hour or so this afternoon. It was bloody freezing even with the heated grips and seat, and the roads were either greasy or covered in crap, especially the country roads.
Still had fun though even though I seemed to be going sideways half the time :ROFLMAO: