It's Time To Rattle The Forum Donations Tin Again


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
"Brilliant" a Gerrman with a sense of humour...........
We've discussed this at great length Don, & he isn't German. There was a terrible mix up on a maternity ward in the late 1960's
As a result Capt D ended up in Germany. And there's currently a guy in his late 50's living somewhere in England who never understands jokes when they are cracked. And he thinks we should all stop messing about & work harder. You don't wanna know what he says about British cars & motorcycles! 😳

Capt. Drunkey

King Of The Schnitzelwiesels
"Brilliant" a Gerrman with a sense of do realise that if it was one of us waiting they will never make it ashore........just saying

You know, as Jez said, it all started years ago on the infamous TTF: someone asked me (I still was a forum-rookie), if we had to use winter-tyres on motorcycles in Germany and I thought the guy was trying to pull my leg, so I answered: “No, we use these…”


Subsequently it was unveiled that obviously there was a German with a sense of humor on their forum.

Not very long after, Jez came up with his maternal-ward-theory (which made perfect sense) and so I started a little research into my history.

And yes! There is an English guy, born in 1965, in Hanau, who lives near Liverpool and calls himself Hermann Freiherr von Cunnilingusterham…
He is participating in one of the largest German philately-forums (no, not about having sex with young boys) and loves Knödel and Zigeunerschnitzel. The only version of humor he is capable of is called Schadenfreude.

So, I guess my parents were much better of with me!

Cheers 🍻
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Legendary Knight
Sure did so mate. I gave the money to a guy in a rubber-boat who is leaving France any hour now… I told him that the phoenix-knights will be waiting for him at the beach!
Only with a good boat with whch to offer a good craft by which said Rubber boat could be appropriately attributed the attributes accomodatiñg the retarded accomodations which the çurrent accomodations dictate.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
After a brief chat with @Judd Dredd last night.
I'm pleased to inform you all that as a result of your generosity, the forum fees for 2024 are now sorted 😃

There is also a tiny amount extra that will be carried over to kickstart the 2025 payment. However, it's nothing like the amount we've been able to carry over in previous years. Mainly due to Judd not being offered the Black Friday deal he was hoping for this year, unlike previous years.
I assume the host thinks they can play hardball now that we've been established for a few years. Therefore we are less likely to turn down their renewal figure.
It's not great, but that's business I guess.

So, if you haven't chipped in yet but you intend to? Your donation will still be gratefully received to bolster the kitty for future payments.


Legendary Knight
After a brief chat with @Judd Dredd last night.
I'm pleased to inform you all that as a result of your generosity, the forum fees for 2024 are now sorted 😃

There is also a tiny amount extra that will be carried over to kickstart the 2025 payment. However, it's nothing like the amount we've been able to carry over in previous years. Mainly due to Judd not being offered the Black Friday deal he was hoping for this year, unlike previous years.
I assume the host thinks they can play hardball now that we've been established for a few years. Therefore we are less likely to turn down their renewal figure.
It's not great, but that's business I guess.

So, if you haven't chipped in yet but you intend to? Your donation will still be gratefully received to bolster the kitty for future payments.
Just hurled a bit more in the hat.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Hi Gents,

In December this forum will celebrate its 4th birthday. So I guess we must be doing something right 🙂

Unfortunately, that means it's also time to shake the forums donation tin. As in previous years, I'm doing so now rather than on our birthday due to how close that is to Christmas.

It's the same rules as it's always been.
Give as much or as little as you want. Or nothing at all if your skint?
I have no idea what next year's cost will be yet. But for this year the service provider took the pi$$ somewhat! 😒
Presumably because as forums get older & therefore more established. They know customers are more likely to accept crazy price increases! 🙄
When I can finally get to speak to @Judd Dredd. I'm gonna suggest that he calls their bluff & says that we are going to a different provider if they don't play fair ref their prices.
I've no idea if that'll work? But it's definitely worth a try 😉

Instructions on how to contribute are on page 1 of this thread.

Thank you in advance.

DD aka Jez