Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?


Legendary Knight
I think that all manufacturers and fuel suppliers should ignore governments, carry on producing diesels and petrols and let the public decide.

I think governments should represent the people they are supposed to serve, and scrap all this net zero, ULEZ, 20 mph limit crap that the majority do not want.

If allowed to advance unhindered, technological progress will inevitably continue to make vehicles more efficient, less polluting, as it has already made them vastly more safe (apart from self combusting EVs 😂) incrementally over the last few decades.


Legendary Knight

Sunak is a rotten little coward. How have we become ruled by non elected leftie university graduates instead of elected leftie university graduates?

We need to return to real law and justice, that is Common Law where a jury of the people determine what is just, legal and lawful, not university educated leftie, greedy, WEF puppet judges and lawyers :mad:

Don the Don

Legendary Knight

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Not a fan of EV machines but I give this young man credit for his engineering ingenuity an for the potential of something "cheap" and still have the doner vehicle with it's ICE engine making a perfect hybrid



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
If its a charging point or electric car battery, you can bet it will be hushed up
How much longer before EV's are banned from ferries, the channel tunnel, multistorey carparks & carparks in general. Charging points will have to be moved well away from petrol stations.

In fact, what happens if shipping companies refuse to have them onboard as cargo? 🤔

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