There's other eras of Accadacca?A true classic from the Bon Scott era...
Baroque stuff bounces off my ears. I've a mate who is proficient in Baroque music (teaches and has supported Judas Priest in his other guise as a doom/thrash guitarist) but although I've tried it's like listening to bloody Gaemelin(sp) to me.I enjoy most things with a tune from Classical, folk and even Viol and medieval plainsong to banjo, bluegrass, country and western, early blues and jazz, rock'n'roll, rockabilly, heavy metal, thrash, doom and death metal, punk, psychobilly, ska and even Mongolian Death Metal. The only 'music' genre's I can't abide at all are Rap, Hip Hop, Jungle, House, Dance and that London gangster stuff. Not big on Grunge, Industrial, New Romantics or general 'Pop' either.
Especially for you Flynn...Big Big Thin Lizzy fan , seen em 9 times and also Black Star Riders , Scott Gorham on Guitar so heavily Lizzy influenced and of course like near enough everyone else in the world there are times when only Queen will do , like most of the " real rock bands " , zepplin , deep purple , ac/dc , etc and believe it or not quite partial to a bit of Classical music
Here to help/ share the pain. I usually watch Glasto coverage with the words. 'Oh, I like this. So that's who they are'I like Motorhead... I thought the slow version of Ace of Spades was good too.
But yeah, will listen to anything, once. Rainbow, Thin Lizzy, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Blues, bluegrass, all the 70's and 80's stuff... Eurythmics, Queen.. The Stones, some massive names.
Modern stuff, yeah it's okay, listen to-able..... Quite like a lot of it... But I no longer really care or know who it is!
Gotta agree MTM , the likes of rap , hip hop , jungle , house etc is just shocking , all produced by people whos only talent is with a laptop or similar , there is something special about the lights going down and seeing people on a stage that can actually playI enjoy most things with a tune from Classical, folk and even Viol and medieval plainsong to banjo, bluegrass, country and western, early blues and jazz, rock'n'roll, rockabilly, heavy metal, thrash, doom and death metal, punk, psychobilly, ska and even Mongolian Death Metal. The only 'music' genre's I can't abide at all are Rap, Hip Hop, Jungle, House, Dance and that London gangster stuff. Not big on Grunge, Industrial, New Romantics or general 'Pop' either.
There's 'being aware of the zeitgeist' and also 'not troubling yourself with pointless shit'Is it terrible that I read about this years 'Christmas No.1' and didn't even know the name let alone the tunes despite the 'artist' having been Christmas No.1 for the last three years?
Especially for you Flynn...