A Place For Your WTF Moments


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Been watching On the Buses the first episodes, they put that warning up some people may find it offensive, fuck me what a load of bollocks.

Off the back of a conversation with @BAD LUCK DUCK & @GaleForceEight a few years ago. I started a collection of non PC comedy DVD's.
The way things are going I'll soon be needing to add them to my home insurance policy. And hide them from view in case any visitors are caused alarm & distress 🙄


Legendary Knight
WTF 🙄...

BBC News - Essex couple fined £1,500 after migrant hid on motorhome - BBC News
So now if the same thing happened to you the last thing you are going to do is call the police. Choice is club them to death and bury in the garden or let then go.


Legendary Knight
Where is everybody? It's so quiet round here is it because @Don the Don in particular is extremely noticeable by his absence? I messaged him to say that I think he'd gotten the wrong end of the stick t'other day and I wasn't criticising him about that joke but, so far, no reply.
I've been missing Don's jokes, it has gone quiet. I wasn't offended just not my thing. Come on Don we all need cheering up..

Don the Don

Legendary Knight


Legendary Knight
I see the ginger Slag Rayner is now saying she will build social housing (Migrant scum housing) out of wood since the building industry has told her that her claims about building all those houses the traditional way is a fuckin' impossibility. Where the fuck is she going to get all the wood given that most of the spruce and pine forests aren't fit for anything other than bog paper and there are hardly any broad leafed trees left not to mention that we are supposed to be saving the fuckin' trees. She's an absolutely fuckin' arsehole just like her boss and the chancellor. God save us!