Funny Photo/Image/MemeThread

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
In Thurso, the main road into town has roadworks. For the next 6 weeks. At every junction they are putting those bobbled paving slabs down for the blind folk to know where to cross the road.

All well and good, but current estimates put the blind population of Thurso at about 4.

New tax year coming up! They'd do better spending money on filling the potholes in the road...the blind folk could drive into them, then where would we be?
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Legendary Knight
I was reading an article online t'other day about a study of a couple of hominid fossils found in the Mediterranean/Greece. They are of ancestors of humans that predate the oldest sub-saharan Africans by millions of years. Basically, and you have to whisper this, they believe that Africans are not our ancestors but an offshoot of our ancestral species that went into Africa, along with the apes and got stuck there. It's just a pity that the bastards are now finding their way out and infesting the rest of the world.