Last Film You Watched


Legendary Knight
Despite being up at six the next day for work 'All The President's Men' came on telly Sunday night about midnight so I settled into the nostalgia of gentler times. The missus was identifying whether the typewriters were olivetti or remington by ear (I was going to call bullshit but I *did* want some sleep that night) ;)


Legendary Knight
Last film I saw was 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' yesterday and that was just because I came into the living room and the missus was watching it. I don't watch much telly these days and most films bore me. I was pissed off to note that, on the 'blurb' for Breakfast at Tiffany's on Sky it warned that 'The film contains cultural stereotypes and attitudes that may be offensive to modern viewers'!

Public Enemy

Staff member
Jack Reacher, Never go back. From 2016. Saw it for the second time. Still liked it, even though I am not a big Tom Cruise fan, but I read all 25 of the Reacher books...
(I would have picked Liam Neeson for the role.)
Well you'll be pleased to know that author Lee Childs has stated that Tom Cruise will not star in any future film or TV adaptations of the Jack Reacher novels. Apparently there were loads of complaints from his fans that Cruise does not look anything like the description of Reacher.
Cruise being a noted shortarse, and Reacher being about 6'5".

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I watched "outside the wire" too.

Typical gung-ho hero film, with fork all plot, which had holes you could drive a Sherman tank through. Wouldn't recommend it, okay if you were bored and had nowt better to do.


Legendary Knight
Watched Demolition Man last night, second time and still loved it.
Corney but brilliant
ā€œRatatta burgerā€ love it