

Forum Knight
Do you believe in them? I read all of Charles Hall's books on a recommendation from a pal and, although I'm not generally a believer in tales of aliens on Earth there was something about his accounts that had a certain ring of, while I wouldn't say truth, but at least believeability especially compared to other accounts.
To be honest I’m not 100% sure what I believe when it comes to that. I do feel that there’s too much out there for us to be alone, but past that I’m not sure.


Legendary Knight
Well, from a scientific point of view, part of the way the human race is, is because we haven't become inter-planetary let alone inter-stellar.

If we had then there would be literally a universe of resources and, well, space, available. There wouldn't be competition for land or gold or anything else which is what typically drives the worst of human nature. There have been supernovae seen by our telescopes that have estimated to have created several times the mass of the Earth in Gold alone and there are believed to be asteroids in our own solar system which are full of Gold, Platinum, Silver, Diamonds etc. to a degree that would make these metals essentially worthless in financial terms.

Any species that could travel the stars would find our pursuit of wealth, resources and land rather pathetic!

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
I saw a program by Dr Brian Cox the other day and he was saying that there has to be life on other planets out there it’s just that finding them would be a bit of a problem as the laws of physics (as we know them) would have to be broken:unsure:

And he was a drummer in a boy band in the eighties so he must know😃


Legendary Knight
Indeed, while I'm not a great fan of Brian Cox's work as a scientist he is absolutely correct about the fact that there must be life out there. We now know that there a billions of galaxies out there containing billions of stars each surrounded by countless planets and so the odds are very much against there not being other life out there. The big problem is that, even if you could travel at almost the speed of light the nearest star systems to us are over four light years away and so would take over four years to reach and, if you want to travel to other galaxies you have the additional problem that the galaxies are moving apart at significant fractions of the speed of light and even multiples of it so we would simply never be able to reach them even if we could break the laws of physics and travel at multiples of the speed of light. There are many galaxies that are literally millions of light years away (They would take millions of years to reach if you could travel at the speed of light) and are actually moving away from us at more than the speed of light anyway.

The universe has a neat trick in that, although nothing can travel THROUGH space faster than light, Space itself can expand at multiples of the speed of light!

Anyway apologies for derailing the thread, now back to 'normal' service :D

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
Hey y’all, just joined up after getting an invite from “a bug splatt” on the triumph forum. If you can think for yourself and don’t subscribe to their train of thought than you’re not real welcomed over there. Oh well, no real loss. Hope to contribute in making this site a great resource, and community.
I live in Las Vegas, ride a Triumph Speed Twin, and absolutely love this bike. Been ridding for about 24 yrs on a variety of bikes. Looking forward to what this site has to offer! 🍻View attachment 7655View attachment 7656View attachment 7657
Welcome to you @LVspeedtwin 😎