Don the Don
Legendary Knight
Kranky McSturgeon fails to get Indy ref2 support from the high court, what next?
Feck the bitch,
she needs to sort out shit like this as well as the NHS
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Kranky McSturgeon fails to get Indy ref2 support from the high court, what next?
Well, it was a wasted vote at the last 3 general elections, so what's the diff?It could be that voting Tory at the next election will be a wasted vote
Well, it was a wasted vote at the last 3 general elections, so what's the diff?
We need to individually persuade everyone we know not to bottle it in the voting booth. Anybody but Lib/Lab/Con/Indynut
And she's a good looker too.......................Two of my favourite political/social commentators, they are like a tsunami of common sense and truth IMO.