
Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
And, when you think about it, they didn't get a better future, even though that's what they were fighting for. They got depression, no work, and a government that basically set the stage for another war.

That's one thing you can say about each and every govt we have ever had. We, the people, don't matter to them. They have their own agenda, which is generally about making their lives better. Not ours. Not this country. Just their bank balances.
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Legendary Knight
When it comes to our armed forces we have to realise that those in the middle classes have always looked down on them and considered themselves 'morally superior' and the idea that we look after the ordinary people who have served their country in time of war is an absolute, bare faced, fucking lie. My grandfather was a professional soldier, an RSM, at the outbreak of WWII and was lucky that he was sent back to Britain to train to become an officer before the fall of France. He once told me that in the view of the general public back then, those in the serving army at the outbreak were considered war mongers and trouble makers and, as professionals, not far removed from mercenaries. A far cry from the 'brave and heroic lads' of Dunkirk. We have to remember that the parliament of the time didn't want Churchill to become Prime Minister because they simply didn't want to have to get their hands dirty with a war and preferred to have another appeaser take over. If Churchill hadn't succeeded in becoming PM Germany would most likely be enjoying a thousand year Reich now. Maybe that would have been better than the shit show we have now, I don't know, but we mustn't kid ourselves that anyone other than their families and friends really, truly care for serving soldiers.
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