My house was built fifteen years ago and had a Mitsubishi Heat pump system installed from new. It has needed repairs at least twice a year, the flow meters are a known weak spot with them. Being a modern house our insulation is very good so, even though the radiators never get more than warm to the touch, they are enough to warm the house up even when it's minus temperatures outside. The problem is that air source really aren't really that much cop. To be worthwhile it really needs to be ground source but that means drilling way down into the ground and costs a fortune and, of course, you will never ever recover the cost of the system or it's installation. It's a dirty great con, it all is. During the recent storm our power went out for over a day. Now here's the weird thing. Power went out at the far end of the village about half an hour before it went out altogether and folks at that end were saying they had contacted the power company and were being told that it would be back on around 8pm the next night which was what happened. Now it's rather clever that they knew the power was going to be knocked out and how long it would take to return before it happened. It so happens that, as the storm was expected it was being reported that they would have to shut down and feather wind turbines across the country or risk overloading the network (Risk them exploding into flames more like) and I am guessing that, without these giant fuckin' windmills, there is simply not enough electricity generation from other sources to power the country and so rural areas were shut down so the towns and cities could keep their lights on.