The "Far Right" (aka patriots) according to The Guardian leftie pricks snoozepaper?
I really should have posted this in the joke section! It's a race baiting special. When 90% of us want racial equality
This refers to the Guardian fascists
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Typical media hit job, with selective out of context edits and misrepresentation. FFS they call Nigel Farage far right!!
There are plenty of examples of how the media misrepresent anyone who doesn't suit their narrative, Tommy Robinson has demonstrated this many times with secret recordings, he even got John Sweeney fired from the BBC and Panorama in a lot of shit for their despicable (possibly illegal) behavior. Most people on the right now refuse media interviews, or insist on also recording the event themselves so that they can demonstrate the deliberate editing manipulation, and out of context cuts, etc.
I firmly believe people should be judged on their character, that everyone should be equal under the law. As we are all human beings, there should be no specific laws regarding ethnicity/race or religion, and discrimination, abuse or assault does not need differing interpretation of the law based on skin colour. If someone attacks another person, it is assault and there are laws to prevent and punish it, it does not matter if the victim or perpetrator was fat, ginger, gay, ugly, wearing Lycra, white, black, or identified as a duck. But yet these dangerous lefties would have me labeled as "far right" and in a gulag camp, along with anyone else who isn't a raving Marxist, if they could.