I reckon the guy went straight to the job centre after that attack. Burglary appears to have been a very painful career choice!
On the subject of dogs attacking intruders. If you have a "Beware Of The Dog" sign. Remove it & replace it with something like this...
View attachment 13070
A good few years ago. There was a case where a smart-arse lawyer managed to convince a jury that his client (a piece of shit burglar) Had been attacked by a known dangerous dog. His argument was that the innocent home owner had put up a sign admitting that his dog was aggressive.
Apparently the dog was put down, the owner was prosecuted & ordered to pay compensation to the burglar!

Meanwhile the burglar walked free from court
My sign would be much harder to twist into the same outcome. As far as I'm concerned it says that invited visitors are very welcome. But don't expect the same treatment if you enter uninvited!