
Don the Don

Legendary Knight
You'd think so until you see a Sea Eagle up close. Those bastards are huge.
So glad your wee dog has survived the ordeal @MartytheMartian, I agree on the size of those eagles they are BIG, I had one come straight across my path as I was heading further North and It certainly could well be that your dog was intended as a meal, Lambs piglets and even bigger animals are taken by sea and Golden eagles and even large Buzzards and Hawks have taken small animals, the joys of living in areas abound with raptures.


Legendary Knight
I am too Don. I've developed a real love for our two wee Chihuahua's and I never thought I'd take to the breed. Ours are the sweetest natured, quiet little dogs you could imagine and they are bright as buttons too not the vicious little psychos that Chihuahua's are often shown as on the internet.

I do have a strong suspicion that her colour could have meant her easily being mistaken for a lamb, even though it was well past lambing season and even if not she must have been easy to spot for a bird of prey. Our other dog is much chunkier/heavier and has kind of alsatian type colouring all of which probably saved her from being a target.


Legendary Knight
We have a load of buzzards here too and, the day before the littlun was slashed the neighbour, who keeps quail, had a Sparrowhawk in his garden but I doubt that would have done that kinda damage. The pair of sea eagles nesting in the trees above the loch are the most likely candidates. They've been years nesting there now. Some wildlife 'expert' who works for a marine organisation in Greenock tried to tell me that it wouldn't have been a bird of prey but it can't have been anything else. Our garden is fenced all round with six foot high fencing and locked gates in a backwater of an already quiet village and there is nothing that could have done the damage in the garden and certainly not in an up/down slash on her side. As the vet said, if she had caught on anything it would have torn along her body.

I could imagine her bragging about it too. Her fur has grown back now and you can only see a hint in the fur of where the slash was and all you can feel of it is a little lump at one point on the scar where I guess the tissue got a little knotted up.


Legendary Knight
That all you needed to say to describe that one!
I totally agree and I suspect there was an agenda in her claims that it couldn't possibly have been the sea eagles. You see I had asked on the Facebook page for my village if anyone around where I live might have seen anything. If I was to guess I'd say her motive was to deflect anyone from blaming the wildlife and possibly inciting people to take against their presence in the area.

As far as I'm concerned though, if it was the Eagles then they were just doing what they do and it's my responsibility to make sure they don't get their claws into my dogs again. I don't blame raptors for doing what they do and I'd rather that people were made aware that they could attack small dogs particularly as there are two other Chihuahua owners in the village as well as various other small dog owners and informed how to protect against attacks.

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Will work just as well as "a dog is for life, not just for Christmas" I'm sure.

There's two types of dog owners. Those that get rid of the dog cos they can't afford to feed it and pay their mobile phone bill, and those who do without to feed their dog. That's never going to change.

To be honest, the same piece of paper could be handed out to a lot of people who have children.


Legendary Knight