The strange thing is that almost everyone I have spoken to of late around my area of the world don't want to see a split, hard border, end of the Union etc. and can't see any way that an independent Scotland would be better than what we have and the ones who are in favour are quite frankly people who are and never were the brightest. As it stands Scotland is part of a land that is sixty million odd strong with a good cross section of resources etc. where, as a separate country, we would be a nation of six million of which something like a third are in education, retired or unemployed so the tax and national insurance income is pretty small, industry isn't exactly a huge sector, financial business would undoubtedly have to move south as the customers wouldn't want their money in a fledgling country that will be in turmoil and so many things would be in turmoil for years.
Basically anyone in Scotland who isn't a fool or choosing to believe in a fantasy can see that Independence would mean decades of turmoil, financial hardship and enmity between Scotland and the people of England who I quite frankly don't blame for being thoroughly sick of all the 'noise' the blue-faced mob are making.
I despair of the stupidity of the human race in general and the Scottish people in particular!