

Legendary Knight
"What pisses me off massively is how few members of the audience applauded throughout his speech :mad: - that speaks volumes IMO :mad:"

Invited leftie audience as usual.
Because most have been indoctrinated by the far left. The audience from what I saw were all military. No doubt the British Army officers are the same.
The important thing is he said what he said.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
What pisses me off massively is how few members of the audience applauded throughout his speech :mad: - that speaks volumes IMO :mad:
"What pisses me off massively is how few members of the audience applauded throughout his speech :mad: - that speaks volumes IMO :mad:"

Invited leftie audience as usual.
The Truth always hurts if you have to be informed of the Home truth's by others, and it took an American to say what most of the European population is thinking



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Here we go AGAIN! 🙄
At this rate, we probably need a new section on here. Entitled..."Terror Attacks By People The Indigenous Population Never Wanted In Their Country!"...

BBC News - Teen dead and five injured in Austria knife attack

Public Enemy

Staff member
Here we go AGAIN! 🙄
At this rate, we probably need a new section on here. Entitled..."Terror Attacks By People The Indigenous Population Never Wanted In Their Country!"...

BBC News - Teen dead and five injured in Austria knife attack
This seems to be happening somewhere in Europe on an almost daily basis. And yet "they" can't or won't admit the mistakes they're making.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Some great words from J D Vance (US Vice President), hopefully the Trump government will pressure ours and other EU governments to be less authoritarian and to respect its citizens more.

What pisses me off massively is how few members of the audience applauded throughout his speech :mad: - that speaks volumes IMO :mad:

It seems that what Vance had to say scored a direct hit on the ego's of those it was aimed at! 🤣...

BBC News - JD Vance's blast at Europe ignores Ukraine and defence agenda


Legendary Knight
It seems that what Vance had to say scored a direct hit on the ego's of those it was aimed at! 🤣...

BBC News - JD Vance's blast at Europe ignores Ukraine and defence agenda

And again the MSM are wrong, because IMO it's due to misinformation and censorship from the EU, UK and the previous US government that the Ukraine conflict has continued for so long. It is due to years of EU, UK & US propaganda and interference that the conflict started in the first place. If the western governments had not undermined and helped to usurp the previous Russian friendly Ukrainian government, and installed their WEF, EU & NATO puppet Zelenski, then I do not believe Putin would have felt so threatened and forced in to invading Ukraine to basically protect Russia's interests and safety.

Just think about all the misinformation and propaganda reported by the EU, UK and US about Putin.
  • He was supposed to have influenced the 2016 US election, leading to Trumps win.
  • He was Trumps best mate.
  • The dodgy Russian dossier basically accusing Trump of being a Russian asset.
  • Russian blew up their own gas pipeline.
  • Putin was critically ill and going to die any day (cover for a foreign assassination maybe?).
  • Putin had lost his marbles and totally insane, being so paranoid he wouldn't let anyone near him. This was shown to be total crap when Tucker Carlson interviewed him.
  • Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset
  • And so on, and so on....
All of these have been proven false, but they were being massively pushed by western MSM and governments. IMO Putin has been the only grown up in the room, he has received so much antagonisation and provocation from the EU ,UK & US, with weapons supplied by the EU/UK/US being used to attack and kill Russians, which if that happened to us would be an excuse to retaliate, but so far he has kept his military action to within Ukraine.

So IMO JD Vance is absolutely correct, and to say he ignored the Ukraine conflict is bollocks, because as I've said IMO it is due to the bullshit from western governments that the conflict started and is still ongoing.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Getting some serious practice in,........ Now keep the bloody noise down I've done my bit I need my beauty sleep

agree with this bloke on this one,

It has now come to light that they are considering sending Typhoons to guard Ukraine airspace instead of troops on the ground, should a ceasefire come to pass. along with all the other commitments Labour must have found some more dosh to give away.


Legendary Knight
What are folks thoughts on the news that Donald Trump has declared that Ukraine started the war with Russia and Zelensky is a dictator. It sounds awfully like Trump has done a deal with Putin to carve up the valuable resources of Ukraine between them.

I think he's correct, Zalenski is a WEF appointee and they via Starmer and the EU are doing everything they can to prolong and even escalate the war. It's all about power and money, and they have no regard for human life. I've even wondered if the WEF/EU are actually the Fourth Reich 🤔


Legendary Knight
What are folks thoughts on the news that Donald Trump has declared that Ukraine started the war with Russia and Zelensky is a dictator. It sounds awfully like Trump has done a deal with Putin to carve up the valuable resources of Ukraine between them.
There is some truth in that.


Legendary Knight
I wish I knew enough to really say incontrovertibly what is the truth of the situation but I do know that, since time immemorial the lands we know as Ukraine have been used and abused by Russia, plundered and her people starved and murdered and it seems that Trump is now wanting to allow that to continue as long as he can get their Lithium and other rare earths. Christ Stalin made it illegal for Ukrainians to own food at one point and commandeered all their crops to feed famine hit Russia leaving the Ukrainians, whose food it was, to starve to death in their millions. Look up the Holodomor and see just how badly those poor bastards in Ukraine have been treated by mother Russia.


Legendary Knight
As usual though it's the ordinary folks who are suffering with thousands of Ukrainians basically murdered because Putin really wants the wealth and manpower that Ukraine can provide. I don't believe it was ever about security of borders and the 'threat of NATO' but all about grabbing a source of Lithium and other 'rare earths' at a time when the 'electric revolution' is in full swing. It seems now that Donald Trump is keen to carve off a chunk of their stuff for the USA too. Whatever Zelensky is I think Putin is pretty fuckin' evil and deals with the devil never really go that well.