Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?


Legendary Knight

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
We're paying the price of successive Governments' political cowardice over energy decisions on coal, nuclear, fracking etc. Blair started it over nuclear renewal and we've had Tories wetting themselves over fracking too. Instead we import stuff which is hardly Carbon Effin' Neutral if you are simply exporting your pollution but then allowing France or Russia to set the price 🤯

It's a problem three decades in the making and at least 5 years to fix.


Legendary Knight
We're paying the price of successive Governments' political cowardice over energy decisions on coal, nuclear, fracking etc. Blair started it over nuclear renewal and we've had Tories wetting themselves over fracking too. Instead we import stuff which is hardly Carbon Effin' Neutral if you are simply exporting your pollution but then allowing France or Russia to set the price 🤯

It's a problem three decades in the making and at least 5 years to fix.
It could be longer than that. Nato/America have yet to resolve their pissing contest over Ukraine. That could very easily go seriously wrong, and probably will. Russia will send more and more of it's gas to China, and cut the supplies to Europe. It ain't looking good.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Exactly Paul,
My post was 100% sarcasm.

Anyone who purchased an electric vehicle thinking they'd save a fortune by doing so. Is obviously very easily duped 😏
And paid a premium to have said electric vehicle in the first place, high purchase price, limited range, and lack of charging facilities that will also open up another can of worms when they realise it will not be on the same household tarrif if their homes are deemed viable to take a re-charging system as older housing may not be suitable, also that is if they have room outside their abode to park a car for charging


Legendary Knight
I know 3 locals who run Teslas and love them. Although they have been provided by their employers, they all said their own money wouldn't have bought one!

My neighbour has just got one as a company car, and said he really likes it, although he also said he much preferred his Range Rover, and it is noticeable that he now drives his wife's VW Passat more than the Tesla 🤔


Legendary Knight
And paid a premium to have said electric vehicle in the first place, high purchase price, limited range, and lack of charging facilities that will also open up another can of worms when they realise it will not be on the same household tarrif if their homes are deemed viable to take a re-charging system as older housing may not be suitable, also that is if they have room outside their abode to park a car for charging
All new homes built in the new forest, as of later this year, will have no parking space, and no garage either. Fucking tree huggers have taken over the local council, and this is just the start of their stupidity.


Legendary Knight
My current position is that the ICE is a significant factor in my love for cars and bikes. Eldest sprog has just been given an electric mini which I've yet to rag around. She likes it and is a 'driver' in the proper sense. Hated the R8 Audi that she drove, still has great affection for the Polo that I got as her first runaround (that thing flew, literally. She got it airbourne round the lanes). I still feel they'll have no soul. I think it'll feel like playing a video game without the feedback from an ICE. I'll give it a razz tho.


Legendary Knight
I read an article online which was asking if the 'Electric Revolution' will turn out to be as much of a scam as the whole 'Diesel is Better' business of the early 2000's. It suggested that, being much heavier, electric vehicles will wear through brake lining and tyre rubber much more quickly polluting the environment with particles of noxious material and also, being much heavier they are likely to kill far more people in accidents that regular ICE vehicles. Then there is the issue of charging and the pollution created in making the energy for it not to mention dealing with non-recyclable batteries and all the new chargers that would have to be manufactured and installed. I reckon that, in less than ten years, assuming I'm wrong about the apocalypse, they will turn around and say they were completely wrong about electric being the future and order that all EV's will have to be scrapped.