Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?


Legendary Knight
I've got one of those things sitting in the garden under an armadillo shelter that I bought for the wife but she hardly used before it was left to rot. I think that she just couldn't bring herself to be seen out on it as she doesn't like being 'disabled'. I bought one of those Armadillo tent things for it as I was fucked if I was going to keep it in with my bikes.

About twenty years ago when I lived in Ayrshire there was a woman there who had a big metallic blue electric trike (thing was big!) and she was banned from every supermarket and shop in the town because she raced up and down them like a fuckin' maniac and you literally had to dive out the way of the twisted bitch. She really aimed at anyone in the way! Was warned by the police over and over but she just didn't give a fuck and she did actually run over a few people with it. Mental.


Legendary Knight
I get your wife's point, I feel the same but if it's a choice of being stuck in the house all summer or feeling like a twat but getting down to the beach then I'll take the twat option. I'll probably get used to it.
I have thought of going on the road from Paignton to Brixham in the summer and see how many cars I can get behind me 🤭


Legendary Knight
I don't know if yours is one of the more powerful types but the one I bought the wife was pretty bloody nippy. The thing had to be registered with the DVLA and I went something like 25mph top speed. The wife nearly came a cropper on one of the few occasions she went out on it. She went to drive up over a kerb near our house but gave it too much 'current' (I guess I can't say gas in this context) and she shot up over the fairly low curb at a rate of knots that saw her thrown back in the seat which meant she pulled harder on the accelerator lever and wheelied the thing. I think that also contributed to her not wanting to go out on it much. I really need to have a look at the things as it cost me something like fifteen hundred quid second hand and it's just lain there for maybe three years now. It may just need new batteries or it may be nothing but a pile of rust by now.


Legendary Knight
Hmm maybe I'm mis-remembering as I haven't so much as looked at the thing in a few years but I'm pretty sure it's faster than eight miles an hour. It was certainly a fair clip. I bought it specifically with 'all terrain' capability in mind as she wanted to be able to drive the rough road where we would take our dogs walking so it's got high ground clearance and big tyres and, as is 'road legal'. Whatever it's actually top speed it was easily enough for it to get out of hand if the driver wasn't careful as the wife proved and I don't think she ever got it up to full speed. I do remember that there were two 'modes' on it with the slow mode being shown on the dash with a tortoise.

It's got all the bells and whistles too. Headlamps, tail lamps, reversing warning, indicators all strapped onto a comfy armchair.


Legendary Knight
You know it's weird how the mind works. Even though the thing is less than twenty yards from me outside in the garden and has been there for maybe six years now, I can't really recall what it looks like. After you said they weren't typically capable of more than 8mph I took a squizz online to see if I could see the model and it's specs but for the life of me I couldn't see a single one that looked how I remember it looking and I'm buggered if I'm going out to actually look at the thing. All I know for certain is that it is a metallic grey colour.

Having said that I once had an old suzuki years ago sitting on the path to my front door that had packed up on me and I had to squeeze past on my way in and out and I didn't notice that some scrote had stolen it for several days! I guess there are times when I ain't the most observant fellow on the planet.