What Are You Drinking Tonight?

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
So true.

The worst day at the plant at Dipple ever had was the night one of the 'prents opened the wrong valve and flushed a few hundred gallons of pre cask spirit straight out to sea. Needless to say he was out of a job .. (maybe he'd tasted it?)

Went in there once with a crew of plumbers, every time they undid one of the pipes they held a cup under it, just in case.

Distilleries amuse me. For example, Glen Morangie..."the glen of tranquility". Right next to the A9....


Legendary Knight
Bushmills single malt, and Old Speckled Hen, waiting for Chinese delivery and watching films. I was working last night, and have only slept about 15 mins in the last 22 hours, so it might not be long before I pass out 😴


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I'm amazed that the Scottish people didn't riot about this back in 2018 at 50p per unit.
However, at 65p per unit I predict a backlash...

BBC News - Minimum alcohol unit price in Scotland to rise to 65p


Stock up @Don the Don

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
I'm amazed that the Scottish people didn't riot about this back in 2018 at 50p per unit.
However, at 65p per unit I predict a backlash...

BBC News - Minimum alcohol unit price in Scotland to rise to 65p

View attachment 28455

Stock up @Don the Don
As I said in the pissed off thread, the kids will go without first for most the alkies up here, as for me I will get reduced rates in the mess when I go see the lads


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Another stupid move by the SNP. Yet the blue faced numpties still keep voting for them?!? 🙄

People who are alcohol dependent will always find a way to purchase alcohol. In exactly the same way that any other drug addict does.
That minimum alcohol pricing law just punishes responsible drinkers. And the Scottish government are fully aware of that!

As per that article Don...


Don the Don

Legendary Knight
The SNP are hell bent on fecking the working class over "BUT" the stupid bastids still vote for them, I am curious to see the outcome at the next vote, if they still get in then the Scot's deserve everything they get


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
My guess is the SNP will be re-elected. The average SNP voter seems so dense that they refuse to acknowledge that they are being screwed. All they hear when the SNP speak is..."Independence from the Olde Enemy"...