What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
"Manston" famous wartime Battle of Britain base, had to fight again in the Battle FOR Britain to resist being turned into a shit hole like parts of Scampton, Governments of late have nothing but contempt for our history, the country is well and truly fecked.
My aunt lived very close to Manston, Acol, for many years, unfortunately she has passed away now. I used to visit her once a year and went to the museum and cafe there a few times. I remember the Red Arrows used to practice from there sometimes.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
This video is of a leaked survey this marxist government have tried to hide, By giving the details of this, this bloke has earned himself a short ban from youtube, Is this what all those brave people died for in war? a nation where free speech is forbid and ethnic's run rampant in our towns assaulting and murdering our people and for governments hiding and forbidding us to question the reasons, Then I am far right, I eat bacon that will be next to go Bacon in case it offends muslims



Legendary Knight
This video is of a leaked survey this marxist government have tried to hide, By giving the details of this, this bloke has earned himself a short ban from youtube, Is this what all those brave people died for in war? a nation where free speech is forbid and ethnic's run rampant in our towns assaulting and murdering our people and for governments hiding and forbidding us to question the reasons, Then I am far right, I eat bacon that will be next to go Bacon in case it offends muslims

This is why, because the government is being manipulated or controlled...


Public Enemy

Staff member
"FOOD" who needs food lets decimate our farmland and become dependant on other nations selling us their produce at high prices, Net Zero is all that matters to this moronic government

Yep, let's be dependent on every Tom, Dick and Harry for our electricity, gas and food. The work of fucking genius.


Legendary Knight
"FOOD" who needs food lets decimate our farmland and become dependant on other nations selling us their produce at high prices, Net Zero is all that matters to this moronic government

Yep, let's be dependent on every Tom, Dick and Harry for our electricity, gas and food. The work of fucking genius.

And we the British people will be slaves of the state, and the entire country will be slaves of the EU and WEF, it is totally planned. What really amazes and enrages me is why the fuck can't everyone see this, its surely obvious to anyone with an IQ greater than their shoe size :mad:


Legendary Knight
It's like boiling a frog. You turn the heat up bit by bit and folks just 'adjust' to a more and more difficult life and then you are done to a turn before you even realise it.

It's like the Frogs in WWII. After the war ended you'd think they'd all been in the fuckin' Maquis but the truth is that the majority just adapted and got on with life while their Jewish neighbours were dragged away and all the other shit went on and they were more pissed off when we were bombing France while trying to free the useless bastards than they ever were under Nazi rule.

The majority of humans are cowardly shite that won't risk their own precious hide for anything or anyone. It's why the Jews in the camps didn't rise up against their oppressors and why the majority let filthy self serving bastards like Labour and the Conservatives rip the piss out of them - It's easier than sticking your head above the parapet and risking what little you have. Only when people have fuck all left to lose do they fight back and, usually by then it's too late.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
It's like boiling a frog. You turn the heat up bit by bit and folks just 'adjust' to a more and more difficult life and then you are done to a turn before you even realise it.

It's like the Frogs in WWII. After the war ended you'd think they'd all been in the fuckin' Maquis but the truth is that the majority just adapted and got on with life while their Jewish neighbours were dragged away and all the other shit went on and they were more pissed off when we were bombing France while trying to free the useless bastards than they ever were under Nazi rule.

The majority of humans are cowardly shite that won't risk their own precious hide for anything or anyone. It's why the Jews in the camps didn't rise up against their oppressors and why the majority let filthy self serving bastards like Labour and the Conservatives rip the piss out of them - It's easier than sticking your head above the parapet and risking what little you have. Only when people have fuck all left to lose do they fight back and, usually by then it's too late.
Half the stinking French where working for the jerries, they even had a French SS division protecting Berlin from the Russians in 45, I would not trust a frog as far as I could throw them "Nasty race" {spit on floor}



Legendary Knight
I totally hear you on the Frogs @Don the Don Point is though that it's not just the Frogs. The reason the Romans conquered Britain back in their day was that so many of the tribes saw a chance to 'get one over' on their neighbours by throwing their lot in with the Spaghetti eaters or simply didn't want to have trouble in their lives and so just accepted the new bosses, Same thing played out when the Angles and Saxons started getting pushy, same again when the Vikings turned up and yet again when the Normans turned up.
DNA studies tell us that, until recent years, the actual genetic make-up of the population of the UK is almost entirely the same population that was here from the end of the Ice Age and so the Romans, Angles Saxons, Vikings and Normans ruled without making much of a genetic contribution which suggests that there weren't enough of them to make an impact on the genetic map of the land so basically they must have been greatly outnumbered by the population they subjugated which, sadly, suggests that a lot of our ancestors were pussies just like the French who simply accepted the new order and went back to their days work.

Sadly we are now seeing an influx of filthy foreign DNA on a scale never seen before in this land and Britain will be changed in a way it never has before unless people fight and push back but I don't hold out much hope of that because history tells us that, for every man willing to fight there are twenty or more, at least, willing to dive into the filth and tell themselves the water is lovely.