I have to say that I disagree when you say that Scots have been subsidised for too long although I am no Scots Nat. The Scots were a huge part of the industrial revolution and at the forefront of the British Empire that was. Scots blood has contributed a huge amount to what made Britain Great but it was done as a part of the whole. We have been at the forefront of Science, Industry, Construction and Warfare as long as Britain has had an Empire. I do disagree wholeheartedly with the fact that England doesn't have free education and Prescriptions but I would love to see the Grant system re-instated across Britain but, at the same time, the numbers of people going to University and College should be greatly reduced. Technical Colleges should be brought back, Student loans scrapped, employers made to return to the old proper apprenticeship system where top quality plumbers, joiners, builders, technicians, mechanics etc. are equipped for a proper future and I would institute a body to oversee Degree courses that would ensure that Degrees were both the best in the world and not in stupid things that are simply meant to keep youngsters off the unemployment figures for four years after which they find they have a degree that no employer wants. I mean 'Gender Studies' FFS what on Earth use is that? and how on Earth can they make a four year degree course out of 'This is a Man, This is a Woman and I don't know what the feck that is'.
Education in Scotland isn't at all free of course. Yes there are no 'Tuition Fees' although the taxpayer in general has to foot the bill and the student still has to take out student loans to live on throughout their course which have to be paid back if they are lucky enough to earn a decent wage after they have either succeeded in obtaining their degree and actually found a well-paying job where it can be used or if they have managed to find well paying employment off their own bat having realised their degree was a pile of shit and walked out of it. Prescriptions aren't free either they just look that way as even the wealthy don't have to pay but everyone in Scotland pays through their taxes so, essentially even the poor have to pay so the wealthy get hundreds of pounds worth of medications for 'free' and, of course, those 'free' meds come out of the NHS Scotland budget and so take up money that could be better spent on keeping the system working properly. The SNP are deliberately running Scotland into the ground and not using powers that Westminster actually gave them and then trying to make it look as if Westminster has denied Scotland the resources for repairing roads, refuse collection etc. Westminster now seem to be making moves to finally by-pass the Snazi parliament and give the funding directly to local authorities to take care of fixing roads etc. which should hopefully make the blind begin to see that the Snazi's are the enemy.
One other thing I have to say I have observed is that the Snazi's have attracted an awful lot of people in Scotland who are actually Irish Catholic or of Irish Catholic descent as they believe that, by getting behind the Snazi cause they can hurt Britain, and Protestant Scots in a way they never managed with the IRA or as a minority in Scotland. Believe it or not there are actually also groups here and there of English who have settled in Scotland and who are pro-independence for Scotland because they are Labour, Socialist, Communist or even Anarchist and, again, they see Independence as a way to hurt England and those nasty 'conservatives' and 'Right wingers' they hate so much. add to that all those in Scotland who have been brought up dyed in the wool Labour and Socialist and indoctrinated to believe that England=Tory and Tory=Fatcat Monster who eats babies and all the 'New Scots' (asylum Seekers, Africans etc.) who simply hate Britain but still want to parasitise the corpse and you have a mix of people who DO NOT HAVE THE INTERESTS OF SCOTLAND LET ALONE BRITAIN AT HEART and only want to see Scotland become independent to get perceived vengeance for their own failures and bitter historical hatreds. If there was a scheme to reduce global populations for the good of the environment I know where I would start the cull!