Exactly right mate.I see the buggers have been trying to foul things up for the ordinary man in the street
I assume they are intelligent enough to realise most fuel stations are run on a franchise basis?
Will the owner have to cough up to repair the damage to those pumps? Before he/she can start earning a living again & paying their staff.
Not to mention the inconvenience to folk needing to purchase fuel.
The woke to$$ers obviously have a grievance with the oil companies & the government.
But the way they are currently going about it is ridiculous.
Their current method is like chucking a brick through the window of your local shop. Because you found a hair in a sealed can of Heinz baked beans that they sold you
Yet they claim to be doing what they are to make the government sit up & take notice
My suggestion is a decent length prison sentence. Not a couple of weeks, make it 2yrs. They'll only serve 1yr but it'll definitely put them off.
At the minute a couple of weeks inside is seen as bragging rights at a dinner party with their equally "right on" "woke" buddies.
A year of trying to dodge being beaten, extorted & worse. Would be exactly what they need!
Vote DD