Legendary Knight
The police/courts shouldn't be allowed to use it as cast iron evidence. But as it's another golden opportunity to fleece motorists. No doubt they will be more than happy to accept the footage as 100% factual.
It pisses me off this obsession with speed as the be all and end all of road safety. The majority of things that I witness that are a threat to road safety usually have nothing to do with breaking the speed limit, they are more commonly associated with; lack of awareness, lack of ability (not competent enough to drive), no understanding of road and/or weather conditions, driving too slow causing an obstruction, failure to use signals, being too old and frail or with diminished faculties to safely drive a vehicle, etc, and these things usually can't be automatically caught on a camera. And then there is the poor state of repair of our roads, which are lethal in some areas. But to tackle any of these requires spending money, whereas creating the narrative that speed is the root of all evil, and fining at every opportunity generates money
This particular app is just another tool for the 'little Hitlers' to arm themselves with on the side of our roads, I expect we will soon see the self righteous pricks standing around on clear days in the evenings and weekends with their mobile phones waiting for anyone daring to exceed the speed limit by 3 - 4 mph in their areas, when the real idiots are usually out taking the piss either at night in their fat arsed exhausted poxy Vauxhall Corsas or in their SUVs on the school run.
Rant over