Bulldog? Well known for being about the BEST breed with young kids with whom they bond and protect.
All bull breeds are great with kids. And have an inbuilt "protect" instinct.
Once they become part of your pack (family)
They can be relied upon to welcome visitors their "pack" approves of. But they'll fight to the death to protect their pack from unwanted visitors.
IMHO, that makes them perfect dogs

Our Lilly (EBT/Pitbull cross) is 15yrs old this year & sadly she's starting to feel her advancing years. But there was a time when she was a fearsome creature when required to be so! The rest of the time she was/is a big soft pudding

Years ago when our neighbours kids were little. They weren't sure about them being around her (they own Spaniels) but Lilly & Dozer educated them into the reality of bull breed dogs