Thanks for asking mate but she seems absolutely fine.
She wasn't bothered at the time & showed no signs of having been bitten other than the wound itself.
In my experience bull breeds are tough cookies & they enjoy rough play. Therefore when they are attacked it takes a good few seconds for them to realise it isn't a game. Unfortunately at Lillys age, those few seconds could mean the difference between her being able to fight back once the penny drops.
Hence the reason I'll often put the boot into the other dog for her. I didn't have to yesterday cos getting between her & the Staffie & yelling at it to back off worked.
When we had Dozer the two of them used to play fight & really go for it. I've had many conversations with people along the lines of...
"Aren't you gonna break them up?!?

"Nah, anything less than a 1/4 pint of blood & they're still playing

Dozer was a class act when he was attacked by other dogs. Thankfully he never fought back, cos if he did it would have got very messy indeed. He'd just stand there as much as to say "is that all you've got?"
A classic example was when some people we see over the park got a male chihuahua to go with the female they'd had for years.
Dozer used to flirt with the female & I guess he thought of it as his chick.
The first time we saw the owners with the male it was seriously unimpressed with Dozers advances towards the female.
It jumped up, latched onto the side of Dozers face & was shaking its entire body (the force of which barely moved Dozers head)
It eventually let go & dropped to the ground in front of him.
He could have easily bitten it in half. Instead he bent down & licked it.
The owners of the chihuahuas were cacking themselves. I was laughing & smiling with fatherly pride at what a gentleman Dozer was