You lot can be happy about her going but crackerjack won't be the same without her.I'll miss her
No sniper needed now.....................I'll miss her
Do you reckon he does her up the tradesman's? Answers on a vomit stained postcardshe has got balls of steel. Apparently it's what attracted her gay husband to her and she let's him hold them now and then.
Robertson has concluded it's such ashow there are no up sides for him. Step forward two eejits: Shouty Kate the Gobbie and Yousless.
It is said that the greens detest Forbs because of her christian values and anti trannie views and have been quoted as saying they would consider withdrawing their support [MMmmm}They have nothing else to crow about and, as @Sarky B’stard said, it's the one thing this bunch of tossers have in common and they are depending enormously on the rabid Nationalists who are blind to the realities of life in Scotland and what is best for the Scots. Without those muppets they would not stand an Earthly and I suspect even the ranks of the Rabid Jacobites and that lot have problems with the trannies etc. so just maybe Kate Forbes would be the SNP's best hopes for survival. There are quiet but growing voices calling for a return to 'Christian Values' across the Western world and I think that includes amongst the Scots Nats 'faithful' (Muppets).
The sight of him boils my blood, and the Hypocritical bastid was educated at Manchester Uni, Scotland not good enough for him thenI can't stand that slimey wee bastard Harvie