Legendary Knight
Nah that fellow looks too young and energetic to be me. I started as a piper with a local band as a sprog then decided to be a Metal/Punk/Psychobilly/Rock god but it never really worked out due to a shortage of musicians with the same tastes. In my early thirties I decided to pick up a few other instruments just to amuse myself and found basically that as soon as I figured out where all the notes were hiding on the strings or keys I could play just about any instrument I could lay my hands on pretty quickly. Of course the challenge with the trumpet is that it's your lips and lungs that do most of the work and the fingers are fairly redundant meaning it's a whole nother kettle of fish. Interestingly a fellow I bought a trumpet off of is eighty and has finally decided to stop gigging!
I remember as a kid in the winter having dry/chapped/split lips and still being made to practice... my old man was a fucking sadist!