What’s made you happy for a change


Forum Duck
Not in my Navy me old bubble ship matey soapy bubble bath chum...
Anyone else remember the bubble ship matey bubble bath before everything went gay..
I used to love being the u boat captain of my submarine navigating the ice packs avoiding the British navy to discover dinosaur Island with scantily clad babes like Raquel Welch...
Not to be confused with Ray from Wales...
Sorry @Flynnt20 🦆


Legendary Knight
Won't ever happen mate...
By the way...
How many special forces Ducks can fit on your very fine looking sailing vessel...
Just asking for a Duck I know...
Also I'm guessing structure wise only very light machine guns could be fitted to your newly acquired commandeered to the Peasant Army vessel 🤔🤔🤔
Sleeps four mate.
Diesel engine for speed.
Sail for stealth, so able to creep on the leftie wokie brigade;)