What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
Well I'm glad someone started a thread about what mods you have done today or whatever else you may have done to your bike today..

Today I've been attempting to sort the wiring out at the front of my bike..I don't know if you all remember the rats nest that was and how I basically chopped some wires off zip tied and taped it all up and ta da...

Never been happy with how it was so today I tried camouflaging the mess with corrugated split conduit..I was impressed with the look as I have a long term plan im working to...
Anyway after all my hard work I decided I could do way better...so I ripped it all apart and decided that the block connectors are going and started snipping and chopping away at wires...
Unfortunately I ran out of daylight so I was only able to solder one wire together and I f#cked that up..so first light tomorrow and I'm on it...

Here are some photos for you to peruse and get a basic gist of what I'm up to....😉20201222_113550.jpg20201222_130125.jpg20201222_130144.jpg20201222_140238.jpg20201222_152428.jpg20201222_161341.jpg


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
When I had to work for a living 😳
We used to use something usually referred to as "pink ladies"
Basically, they were inline wire connectors that were female at both ends & almost clear but with a slight pink tinge.
You could see that the two wires had made contact with the metal insert in the centre. Then you crimped the two together & used insulation tape to finish the job.
Very high tech NOT! 😉


Forum Duck
As the weather as vastly improved i started soldering wire's really badly even for me...
First wire i could live with but half way through the second one my soldering iron packed up. I knew something wasn't right..Piece of Chinese crap...
So the missus is off doing the shopping and hopefully she will be able to pick me up a soldering iron so I can continue with the task at hand as I currently have a non running bike...20201224_105357.jpg


Forum Duck
I'd definitely reccomend the solder connectors as suggested by Big Sandy, they are a piece of piss to use and make a really neat job. I'd also recomnend using self amalgamating tape afterwards to wrap your loom, as the name suggests it seals itself to become weather proof.

I've got half a dozen rolls of so called electrical tape and weather proof tape varying in expense and I have to say they've all been crap...Can't seem to be able to get quality products anymore...One of the reasons I'm doing the corrugated plastic tube thing...