What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
I put this on my social media and tagged the wife..

Ever since I got my first bike, and had my first accident in 2001, endless times I've been told "it's dangerous", "you'll get hurt", "we don't want nothing to happen", "it's not worth it", "you could die." Trust me, I know.

I guarantee I've thought about it more than anyone I've talked to that doesn't ride. If I do die riding someday, which I hope that day never comes, know that I'm the happiest I could be, sweating like a pig or shivering from the cold air, arse as sore as it could be, enjoying what I love and what it gives me. Those close to me know it's much more than getting on a bike for me; it's about how much it means to me in helping me.

Many people don't know that you make so many memories, go on so many adventures, how freeing it is, and make new friends. And one day sitting around with everyone, you'll have a moment where you think to yourself, "damn, never would I thought I'd gain another family out of this and love them as much as I love my own."

I bought a bike for a personal dream.

When I am very old, and when I can not ride anymore, it will be in my garage as a trophy of my memories. I met people who taught me something and have the same spirit, and I met others that I'm glad I forgot. I got wet, I felt cold, I felt warm, I was afraid, I fell off; I hurt myself, I got back on. But also, I laughed out loud inside the helmet.

I spoke a thousand times with myself. I sang and shouted with joy like a madman, and yes ... sometimes I cried.

I have seen beautiful places and lived unforgettable experiences. I often made twisties that even Valentino Rossi would be proud of; other times, I took them full of terror. I stopped a thousand times to see a landscape. I spoke with perfect strangers, and I forgot the people I see every day. I went out with my demons inside and returned home with a feeling of absolute peace in my heart. I always thought how dangerous it is, knowing that the meaning of courage is to advance even when feeling fear.

It is not a means of transport or a piece of metal with wheels; it is the lost part of my soul and spirit. When someone says to me: "You have to sell your bike, and you have to be a more serious person",... I do not answer. I turn my head and smile, walking on onto my bike.....

The only person who loves me understands it. And so the adventure will continue…
I want that printed and in a frame on my wall..
That's fucking beautiful and says everything I wish I could say but can't.. ❤🦆🤮🤮🦆🦆🦆

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
riding, starts to rain, heading home going through a village, van goes to reverse out of drive, I overreact, lowside into wall on other side of road.

wheel cracked, forks bent, handbar bent, brake lever snapped, tank dented, exhaust header and slip-on damaged, rear brake lever snapped, right running board bent, saddle back ripped off.

I loved that bike, one of the few things that brought joy to my life over the last 18 months as well as keeping my sanity.

Heal fast, and get another!


Legendary Knight
Dug panniers for the GS out and did the usual checks as planning a big trip this weekend.

Well not big by the standards of previous years, but the longest I'll have done for nearly 2 years - down to Cornwall to see wife's family.

Still monitoring the weather forecast as if too bad will take car instead - hope it ain't :)


I hope the weather is kind, and you have a great time (y)