What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Forum Duck
I would encourage everyone to stop being the silent majority and to start to make you voice heard peacefully. Start raising these issues with your local MPs and ask what thay are going to do about it? Let your elected representatives know that they will not get re-elected unless they start to represent the majority common sense view. Maybe find and join a political party that does actually represent your views, certainly don't keep voting for the same old same old. We are fast losing are freedom, and losing any kind of ability to peacefully determine how we are governed (just look at the US election 😲), and too many people just seem to have their heads stuck in the sand (or up someones arse) to see (or they choose to ignore) what is actually happening all around them in plain sight.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid and delusional... but I think not!!
You ain't paranoid or delusional...


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Serious question...

As a lot of you guys seem to believe there's a deliberate attempt to control Joe Publics movements.
By forcing us into a lockdown situation when it isn't required.

What do you think our government are hoping to achieve by doing that? It isn't good for the economy, that's for sure. So what are the plus sides?


Legendary Knight
Serious question...

As a lot of you guys seem to believe there's a deliberate attempt to control Joe Publics movements.
By forcing us into a lockdown situation when it isn't required.

What do you think our government are hoping to achieve by doing that? It isn't good for the economy, that's for sure. So what are the plus sides?



Bear in mind only a few months ago "The Great Reset" was itself a conspiracy theory, now it's all out in the open.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
The government are telling us what to do, the REAL money is telling the government what to do. The real money isn't held by those on the top 100 rich list, this is the dirty money that doesn't get taxed..............
I'm obviously having a blonde moment. Cos that still doesn't explain it in terms I understand.
Who are these mega rich people & why would our government listen to them? When it could mean the loss of 1000's of jobs & the economy being left in ruins.

Is one of those mega rich tycoons @Judd Dredd? Of money-printing-web-forums-r-us.com 🧐


Legendary Knight
I'm obviously having a blonde moment. Cos that still doesn't explain it in terms I understand.
Who are these mega rich people & why would our government listen to them? When it could mean the loss of 1000's of jobs & the economy being left in ruins.

Is one of those mega rich tycoons @Judd Dredd? Of money-printing-web-forums-r-us.com 🧐
Because the people with the REAL money aren't in the system. They are off grid and not affected by the so called economy. Everything they do is under the counter. Like drugs, guns, people trafficking, blackmailing the prime minister and his cabinet, the opposition, senior civil servants......................


Legendary Knight
Serious question...

As a lot of you guys seem to believe there's a deliberate attempt to control Joe Publics movements.
By forcing us into a lockdown situation when it isn't required.

What do you think our government are hoping to achieve by doing that? It isn't good for the economy, that's for sure. So what are the plus sides?
It is a way I believe that the globalists can asset strip the majority of the world population. Global economies get wrecked, forcing governments to borrow more money (from whom?), and then tax the population more to repay those debts. Small to medium sized businesses go under, whilst the mega large businesses like Amazon, the Banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc prosper. Private individuals, lose their jobs due to business closures, they are forced to take on more debt, and/or sell their assets (or maybe have them reposessed), and become more dependent on the state. Governments have an excuse to try to introduce universal minimum income, to provide for its citizens (get them used to furlough and they will accept it).

The objective of the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset is that no one (apart from the elites obviously) should own anything, and that everything is provided for them by the state. Therefore if you want/need something then you have to conform and comply to get anything - It is a way to gain total control over the majority of the population. You will not be allowed to own land/property, you will be forced to live in concentrated urban areas, you will be assigned a job, you will not own private transport, you won't even own clothes, everything will be provided by the state. Access to the countryside and open spaces will be restricted, and if you dissent your ability to travel will be restricted also (sounds a lot like Covid restrictions doesn't it?).

Do some research on the Social Credit System already being implemented in China. The World Economic Forum want China to be a big player in future global governance, and the EU are currently signing deals and treaties with China for closer cooperation, whilst China continues to intimidate its neighbors, and tries to influence governments in other countries.

It sounds like a lunatic mad conspiracy theory, but it is all there in plain sight if you bother to look for it. Covid and "Climate Change" are being used as vehicles, funding mechanisms, and distractions to implement this.

Look around at what has happened over the last 25 years, and the absurd crap that we are now supposed to swallow and accept as normal (and surprisingly many do swallow it). The total falsehoods and contradictions that you are told to be true, and if you challenge those false truths and outright lies, then you could face prison, or be hounded out of your job, etc.

25 years ago if you tried to explain to almost anyone, what society would be like in 2020 they would have laughed in your face and thought you were a total nutter... yet here we are!
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Legendary Knight
If what y'all say is really true then the Human Race really is doomed and we are only a very short hop away from God carrying out his own 'Great Reset'. Money, wealth and power over others are absolutely pointless on the cosmic scale and anyone who believes they are the be all and end all of life and seek to obtain them above all else have lost the plot and are surely damned to hell.


Legendary Knight
It is a way I believe that the globalists can asset strip the majority of the world population. Global economies get wrecked, forcing governments to borrow more money (from whom?), and then tax the population more to repay those debts. Small to medium sized businesses go under, whilst the mega large businesses like Amazon, the Banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc prosper. Private individuals, lose their jobs due to business closures, they are forced to take on more debt, and/or sell their assets (or maybe have them reposessed), and become more dependent on the state. Governments have an excuse to try to introduce universal minimum income, to provide for its citizens (get them used to furlough and they will accept it).

The objective of the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset is that no one (apart from the elites obviously) should own anything, and that everything is provided for them by the state. Therefore if you want/need something then you have to conform and comply to get anything - It is a way to gain total control over the majority of the population. You will not be allowed to own land/property, you will be forced to live in concentrated urban areas, you will be assigned a job, you will not own private transport, you won't even own clothes, everything will be provided by the state. Access to the countryside and open spaces will be restricted, and if you dissent your ability to travel will be restricted also (sounds a lot like Covid restrictions doesn't it?).

Do some research on the Social Credit System already being implemented in China. The World Economic Forum want China to be a big player in future global governance, and the EU are currently signing deals and treaties with China for closer cooperation, whilst China continues to intimidate its neighbors, and trys to influence governments in other countries.

It sounds like a lunatic mad conspiracy theory, but it is all there in plain sight if you bother to look for it. Covid and "Climate Change" are being used as vehicles, funding mechanisms, and distractions to implement this.

Look around at what has happened over the last 25 years, and the absurd crap that we are now supposed to swallow and accept as normal (and surprisingly many do swallow it). The total falsehoods and contradictions that you are told to be true, and if you challenge those false truths and outright lies, then you could face prison, or be hounded out of your job, etc.

25 years ago if you tried to explain to almost anyone, what society would be like in 2020 they would have laughed in your face and thought you were a total nutter... yet here we are!
That's exactly what I meant..........................:):):)

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I don’t want to give the Reset too much credit. It is too big a conspiracy to conceal.

However it is difficult to ignore the tentacles of the Gates Foundation and financial leverage into Imperial College, the allegation that Bill & Melinda are the anonymous, unnamed SAGE members, clandestine funders of Chairs like Devi Sridhar and generally pulling strings in an unaccountable supra national fashion. Gates is on film with his messiah complex talking about the profits in vaccines dwarfing his IT earnings and his plans for the rest of us. He doesn’t vaccinate his own kids.....

Furthermore, the penetration of Chinese money into similar places and cosying up to Western politicians and who knows what level of personal compromise. Hunter Biden’s laptop? Kompromat everywhere? Long time planned.....

You can give full vent to conspiracy theories from Lin Wood’s Twitter feed. My natural scepticism meets a certain hyper vigilance just in case it is substantially true. Sun Tzu said the supreme art of war was to win without fighting and I have no doubt the CCP is deep in subverting the USA.

The question is ‘how far’? I expect some serious shit to emerge in 2 days time and it will either get flushed or hit the fan. My instincts tell me the fan but I am just not sure how far it will spread.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
If the whole Covid19 thing is false and just a conspiracy does that mean that our own @Judd Dredd is a Fifth Columnist or Quisling feeding us misinformation?
That's why I'm not buying into these conspiracy theories yet Marty.
I have absolutely no reason to distrust @Judd Dredd.
In fact during the setting up of our new home. He's proved himself to be 100% open & honest.
Therefore, if he tells me Covid-19 is genuinely dangerous/widespread & the NHS is struggling. I believe him.


Legendary Knight
I just don't know any more, fortunately I am already in the hills so can walk to them rather than run should it be necessary. If the whole Covid19 thing is false and just a conspiracy does that mean that our own @Judd Dredd is a Fifth Columnist or Quisling feeding us misinformation?

I don't think anyone is saying Covid-19 is false, rather it is be utilised as a vehicle for other agendas. However who really knows what the real origin of Covid-19 was? - It was predicted by those who are now profiting from it, which could be good foresight and being prepared, or it could be more insidious?


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
It was predicted by those who are now profiting from it, which could be good foresight and being prepared, or it could be more insidious?
Do you recall me saying nearly 12 months ago that I'd been told it's manmade? The source of that info is as reliable/credible & well connected as you're ever likely to get.
Several folk scoffed at the suggestion at the time.
Maybe there's more to that theory than meets the eye Scrappy?


Legendary Knight
That's why I'm not buying into these conspiracy theories yet Marty.
I have absolutely no reason to distrust @Judd Dredd.
In fact during the setting up of our new home. He's proved himself to be 100% open & honest.
Therefore, if he tells me Covid-19 is genuinely dangerous/widespread & the NHS is struggling. I believe him.

Absolutely, the virus and it effects on many are real and upsetting, and our good @Judd Dredd and many of his colleges will be doing an excelent job under difficult circumstances. However according to the main stream media and some politicians, the NHS is in crisis nearly every winter.

The ONS figures show there is little excess mortaility above what would normally be expected for this time of year. Some hospitals are busy some are virtually empty (and you get arrested if you film that). We are made to feel guilty for those who might die if we do not stick to the draconian restrictions placed upon us, but no one has ever been made to feel guilty for spreading influenza which has killed more people than Covid.
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Legendary Knight
Another thing to take in to account when the lame stream media report that infections are higher than the peak of the initial wave, is that mainly only people admitted to hospital were being tested at the beginning of the outbreak, since then testing has increased exponentially so you would naturally expect to have more positive results, that is just common sense. We already know a lot of the testing is flawed, and if the American scientist in the video that I posted earlier is correct, the testing might show possitives for people that have other covid type infections and not Covid-19.


Legendary Knight
The problem I have with the 'Global conspiracy' theories is that I find it hard to believe that assholes like Bill Gates, Oprah, Soros. Zuckerberg, Bezos etc. are actually competent enough to succeed with any plan for world domination and the ideas of 'one world' homogenisation are so utterly flawed that they border on sheer stupidity masquerading as intelligence. Yes these people have all had success in their personal fields but far more by luck (right place, right time) and underhand techniques than by skill or intelligence.

Funnily enough, whenever it comes to the whole 'one world' that the elite will rule idea I am reminded of the Old Testament where, when all the tribes came together and built the tower of babel, started to speak the same language and become homogenised, God came down and destroyed their tower and scattered them to the winds because that was exactly what He didn't want.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
False? No, not remotely. Covid, the Sarky version? A real bug nothing like as lethal as initially feared. Bizarrely invermectin early is more effective than any experimental vaccines yet contrived but so too are vitamins C, D (which I a supposed denier take 🤣) and hydroxychloriquine(?) none of which make Big Pharma any money. Origin? I suspect Wuhan lab escape is the best explanation for early political panic but you see Fauci and others involved in off shoring research because of ethical issues in the West with viral experimentation.

The Chinese spoofed the West about its seriousness to divert blame and were then amused by how far we swallowed the bait. Big Pharma & Gates saw financial opportunities and scared the shit out of weak politicians many of whom fell sick. One idle fattie had a near death experience that shook him rigid. Too many look to Imperial College as Global Experts (that Chinese money again) and they got intoxicated by their own influence. Note how few SAGE members are proper clinicians never mind virologists or immunologists but they all call themselves epidemiologists.....

So, in the UK at least, we have a frit Government that has let dodgy contracts to mates staying ahead of truth’s homecoming. You see the entire pack of cards is predicated on a PCR test promoted by the German end of the Imperial College axis as the ‘definitive’ test. It isn’t. It cannot distinguish live from dead virus segments nor other coronavirus’. It may be as much as 90% dead, plain, wrong. There is absolutely no consistent relationship between test +ves and symptomatic clinical disease resulting in death....

Meanwhile the ONS stats blow holes in the narrative about overwhelmed test centres, hospitals etc., and I KNOW from family connections that nothing is as it seems. I was informed, by a wholly reliable source I will not name because they would be too easily identified, that a major Edinburgh hospital hadn’t seen a case in weeks. Elsewhere people are being moved to ICUs. I strongly suspect staff absences arising from +ve PCRs has caused major localised problems along with reductions in available beds. We only hear from the places ‘in crisis’.
So, in nutshell, Covid meets cock up meets bad actors meets nice little earner meets cover up meets China strategic objectives. I just don’t know the quantities of each.


Legendary Knight
But why aren't people within the NHS coming forward and speaking out? That is what I find odd. The hospitals are all full of ordinary bods from the cleaning staff up who must know if what is being reported isn't true and surely someone amongst them all would be spreading the truth. Surely some in the media would also have a field day in exposing the lies also. The biggest problem with this whole shitshow is that we have been fed a diet of truth, lies and misinformation for years now from conspiracy theories to mainstream media that it is now virtually impossible to determine what the truth is.