It is a way I believe that the globalists can asset strip the majority of the world population. Global economies get wrecked, forcing governments to borrow more money (from whom?), and then tax the population more to repay those debts. Small to medium sized businesses go under, whilst the mega large businesses like Amazon, the Banks, pharmaceutical companies, etc prosper. Private individuals, lose their jobs due to business closures, they are forced to take on more debt, and/or sell their assets (or maybe have them reposessed), and become more dependent on the state. Governments have an excuse to try to introduce universal minimum income, to provide for its citizens (get them used to furlough and they will accept it).
The objective of the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset is that no one (apart from the elites obviously) should own anything, and that everything is provided for them by the state. Therefore if you want/need something then you have to conform and comply to get anything - It is a way to gain total control over the majority of the population. You will not be allowed to own land/property, you will be forced to live in concentrated urban areas, you will be assigned a job, you will not own private transport, you won't even own clothes, everything will be provided by the state. Access to the countryside and open spaces will be restricted, and if you dissent your ability to travel will be restricted also (sounds a lot like Covid restrictions doesn't it?).
Do some research on the Social Credit System already being implemented in China. The World Economic Forum want China to be a big player in future global governance, and the EU are currently signing deals and treaties with China for closer cooperation, whilst China continues to intimidate its neighbors, and trys to influence governments in other countries.
It sounds like a lunatic mad conspiracy theory, but it is all there in plain sight if you bother to look for it. Covid and "Climate Change" are being used as vehicles, funding mechanisms, and distractions to implement this.
Look around at what has happened over the last 25 years, and the absurd crap that we are now supposed to swallow and accept as normal (and surprisingly many do swallow it). The total falsehoods and contradictions that you are told to be true, and if you challenge those false truths and outright lies, then you could face prison, or be hounded out of your job, etc.
25 years ago if you tried to explain to almost anyone, what society would be like in 2020 they would have laughed in your face and thought you were a total nutter... yet here we are!