That's a crazy amount for a bike. When 12 months road tax on a diesel car can be £0.Just paid DVLA £117
short memories for some europeans these day's, should have let Adolf have the french....
D-Day beach cafe ‘hates the English and refused to serve British soldiers’
Normandy tourist board apologises after tour guide turned away from Omaha
Can't think that things would be any worse if Adolf had triumphed.short memories for some europeans these day's, should have let Adolf have the french
when labour get in the country will be an open door for the sod'sI just read a wee while ago that at least one Labour MP was behind the call for people to do whatever it took to stop the parasitic scum, sorry, 'Asylum seekers' from being moved.
You will have missed nothing, It's more like the Eurovision "FREAK" contest these days , and the content is piss anyway I won't label it as music cause it ain't, "utter utter" shiteDamn it, I woke up this morning to discover that I'd missed the Eurovision Song Contest last night. But it looks like all involved had a gay old time. Apparently the UK cuntestant got zero points in the public vote. Oh dear, How sad, never mind.
I hope you realise I wasn't really pissed off to miss it. How anyone can sit for about 4 hours and watch that shower of entitled woke tree hugging self absorbed pricks, I will never know.You will have missed nothing, It's more like the Eurovision "FREAK" contest these days , and the content is piss anyway I won't label it as music cause it ain't, "utter utter" shite
"Sorry" it was never worth watching,.............mind you I would have given that Katy Boil who hosted it in the early years a SquirtIt used to just be a song contest, it was worth watching when Wogan commentated and took the piss. Now it's just a political freak show.
Does anyone really watch it anymore?
Guy Opperman, the roads minister, added: “Our Plan for Drivers is not just improving journeys for car users, but also motorcyclists, who have sometimes been overlooked.
The lying b@stard!“We’re getting on and delivering our plan to make life for drivers - and motorbike riders alike - better, fairer and cheaper"
"Aye" all Negative, the lobby groups including MAG are opposed to this no one wants EV bikes as the norm, verbal diarrhoea on their partconsultation has already seen such a significant response.”