What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
I am sorry for their situation, "BUT" due to the fact we are constantly told there is no money in our Bank for old folks Heating or pensions or our own forces and we have this 22 billion black hole then I can't see how this government has the right to waste British tax payers money abroad, "PUT BRITAIN FIRST"

I logged on to my bank account this morning, and there was a page before the actual account saying (and I paraphrase) "due to the difficult economic conditions, would you like to see if you are entitled to any benefits?" It then went on to say that there are £23 billion worth of unclaimed benefits every year. Every year.... So, where does the lack of money come from... And, more importantly, where does the £23 billion left over go?

Oh, yeah... I'm not entitled....🙄

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Trying to say he was ex Muslim and had far right sympathies. What a load of bollocks. He was probably giving the illusion of this which is easy to do by making comments on social media, and if so why would he ram a Christmas market. Watch MSM spin this one, bastards.
The jerrys have learned from our lying bunch of bastids and media, another case of pacify the people in my mind

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
"Now" not that I give a toss for the jock stone of destiny but I do detest these Activists who do damage to priceless National treasures in the name of the Environment, these feckers need whipping in public, took over a year to bring it to trial, yet say something that's the truth and it's instant jail time.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
I would never refer to that khan c*nt as sir, this was on top of a massive petition against it, It show's that this government just show contempt for the British public and no amount of petitions will sway them from their Stalinist policies, they need to go.


Legendary Knight
Border farce and RNLI Taxis have been busy last year, we need action "NOW"

ALL immigration needs to be stopped for a few years, incentives need to be put in place for those here to return to their home countries, all foreign criminals should be immediately deported after they have received their just punishment, and immigration from incompatible cultures needs to be permanently banned. Just my humble opinion, others may have different opinions.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
And still they try to tell us it's the religion of peace.

They are so ingrained in western society, mere sleeper cells they live among us till called upon, maybe the New administration will do something about it over there but no hope of any action here as this government is anti British and help them by throwing money at their causes.