What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Me too. Don't mean to be morbid, but who knows how many more rides life holds?

I'm fucked if I'm gonna waste my opportunities sitting indoors afraid to go out.
I just wish we were told the full facts/truth about it mate.
I think everyone agrees that Covid-19 can be deadly.
But what are the genuine risks?

1) What are our genuine risks of contracting it?
2) If we have it but have no symptoms. What are the genuine chances of us passing it on? And some poor bugger dying because we didn't stay at home?
3) Is the lockdown more about seeing how much bullshit Joe Public will swallow & how compliant we'll be? If so, what's this lockdown "test" actually leading up to?

Obviously, that's a big ask. But once the weather improves. I reckon a lot more folk will want those answers before continuing to blindly obey. Not just bikers, It'll be everyone that wants to enjoy spring/summer.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
All of the younger generation I know (being a hip, happening kinda guy myself) are openly saying ”March and that’s it”. They are done with compliance and all sense of threat has evaporated. The doom laden advertising is openly derided. And some of them are Drs and other clinicians who see it all first hand. It’s substantially over and has been for some time. There are other stories to tell about bed nos being cut and staff absences.....
Meanwhile the Gates mission to change and vaccinate the World against climate change etc,, etc., is meeting mass derision from the unwoke.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I just wish we were told the full facts/truth about it mate.
I think everyone agrees that Covid-19 can be deadly.
But what are the genuine risks?

1) What are our genuine risks of contracting it?
2) If we have it but have no symptoms. What are the genuine chances of us passing it on? And some poor bugger dying because we didn't stay at home?
3) Is the lockdown more about seeing how much bullshit Joe Public will swallow & how compliant they'll be? If so, what's this lockdown "test" actually leading up to?

Obviously, that's a big ask. But once the weather improves. I reckon a lot more folk will want those answers before continuing to blindly obey. Not just bikers, It'll be everyone that wants to enjoy spring/summer.
Just take 4,000 units of cheap as chips Vit D a day until summer arrives and forget about the bloody thing. In the panoply of threats to your life it is up there with staying in bed.


Legendary Knight
Me too. Don't mean to be morbid, but who knows how many more rides life holds?

I'm fucked if I'm gonna waste my opportunities sitting indoors afraid to go out.

We have just had another death close to our family (my step brother), so that's 4 in total within the last month, all tested positive, none died from covid or covid related issues. You never know when your number is up, the world has been on lockdown for a year, what a fucking waste of living a life. Enough is enough!!

Boris needs to sack Hancock, Raab, Whitty, Vallance, and any other of the cockwombles denying us a life, and let us all get on with living. Afterwards there needs to be a campain to make sure that no future government can repeat this lockdown fucking fiasco... never again! :mad:


Legendary Knight
'almost certainly no more free prescriptions' I wonder how may of the Snazi fans realise that. The more I think about the whole independence issue the more I think that the blinkered followers of the SNP haven't even begun to think about the logistics of their dream of independence. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce or even Prince Charlie didn't have to worry about re-structuring or even building new Welfare state, Postal Service, Ministry of Transport, DVLA, Customs and Excise, Army, Navy, Air Force, Insurance services, Civil aviation authority and more.

Their dream of independence could leave Scotland trapped in a Nightmare.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
'almost certainly no more free prescriptions' I wonder how may of the Snazi fans realise that. The more I think about the whole independence issue the more I think that the blinkered followers of the SNP haven't even begun to think about the logistics of their dream of independence. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce or even Prince Charlie didn't have to worry about re-structuring or even building new Welfare state, Postal Service, Ministry of Transport, DVLA, Customs and Excise, Army, Navy, Air Force, Insurance services, Civil aviation authority and more.

Their dream of independence could leave Scotland trapped in a Nightmare.
Every SNP supporter I know does this. Whenever your extremely valid concerns are raised Marty...
All they focus on is being "free" from the nasty Englishmen in Westminster.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Let’s be brutally honest. Ask most people in the street what ‘fiscal’ means and you will get a variety of mostly dodgy answers about money. Ask your average SNP supporter and it’s the bastard prosecuting them on behalf of the English.
SNP economics are in total denial about Scotland’s trade and tax deficit and how the finance industry would move their HQs (& tax revenues) South overnight rather than lose BoE cover.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
I totally support the Union, but to be fair, I do know some Scots who want independence but despise the SNP.

Independence, I think is a case of their hearts ruling their heads, but I can't be too hard on them for that - it's how I tend to have lived.



Legendary Knight
Problem with the lust for independence is that it's based on misconceptions, emotions and historical 'spin' and also on people with motives that are not pure and simply about the desire for political self determination. A lot of those behind the independence movement in Scotland tend to wave the Irish tricolour rather than the Saltire and are either Irish by birth or ancestry and their desire to push independence is not to benefit Scotland but to take a kick at England to feed their ingrained hatred of what they perceive as their former masters.
You have the romance of Bonnie Prince Charlie but, if you set aside the emotions and look at the cold hard facts, Charlie didn't want Scottish independence. He wanted the Throne of Great Britain and Ireland and used the Scots sense of being wronged to use them for his own ends. The reality is that fewer Scots stood with Charlie than with the government forces and there were more lowlanders than Highlanders in his ranks and a lot of his force was made up of English, French, Spanish and Irish, all of whom of course had their own political desires, behind their support. Independence and political upheaval is never, ever for the benefit of the ordinary man in the street although it's inevitably that self same little man who suffers for the political change.
I think they are all fooling themselves if they think this little nation of less than six million souls is better off without being attached to the other fifty five or so million souls south of the wall. I wonder though, if it came to the crunch and a decision had to be made that meant no going back should it all turn to crap, just how many Scots will be prepared to take the leap. Traditionally we are known as a 'Canny' and cautious lot so I would be surprised if Scotland didn't err on the side of caution.
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Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Oh I think the silent majority will keep pinning the moaners back. Furthermore any campaign will quickly cut to the economic case and I know of NO Scot who would knowingly vote to be kicked in the sporran.
But you’re right. The appalling ignorance of real history and wars of religion, dynastic struggles makes for fertile myth making. We even had the Irish President bemoaning a lack of British contrition for Empire in the Guardian 4 days ago. He completely glossed over the wars of religion and the Jacobite cause that scarred Scotland every bit as much and the whole thing was couched in the kind of overblown sociological jargon you find on other fora.
You can only set things in proper context when you appreciate all perspectives and, like Scottish Nationalism it is about far more than an internal border. At that point all the illogicalities and inconsistencies get impossible to bury. Independence in the EU surrendering taxation policy etc., etc., while abandoning 70% of your British trade. Bampots!


Forum Duck
The wife...just came downstairs after a rough night and said "Good morning dearest" ..Just turned her back on me without a word until I had gone past and into the kitchen..

She does this more and more often and then later on she will come out with something and I won't answer and it'll be what's up with you...

At least my German Shepherds are always happy to see me....

The Departed

The wife...just came downstairs after a rough night and said "Good morning dearest" ..Just turned her back on me without a word until I had gone past and into the kitchen..

She does this more and more often and then later on she will come out with something and I won't answer and it'll be what's up with you...

At least my German Shepherds are always happy to see me....

I don't do mornings till i have had caffeine.

Why does she have a rough night?

Public Enemy

Staff member
The wife...just came downstairs after a rough night and said "Good morning dearest" ..Just turned her back on me without a word until I had gone past and into the kitchen..

She does this more and more often and then later on she will come out with something and I won't answer and it'll be what's up with you...

At least my German Shepherds are always happy to see me....
Could be worse. She could come down and say those immortal words "we need to talk".