Here I am...
Just in case anyone was thinking I'd been sent to guantanamo Bay for being a naughty duck..
I'm having a lot of things go wrong lately and being surrounded by dip shit members of the public at work and even worse management and work colleagues as not helped..
My concentration at the moment is almost non existent and my anger management issues have gotten worse due to frustration with a world full of cock wobbles and issues on the homefront or P.O.R ( place of residence ) as its not home..
I feel totally fucked physically and probably not doing so well upstairs in the old noggin..Develop a real bad case of shattered nerves I guess you call it and the only way I know how to deal with things is to eliminate the threat...
Obviously I can't just kill everyone and other stuff I don't understand and can't deal with so eventually this shell of a body just decided to switch off...
Body shakes uncontrollably at times and I can't breathe...
Basically my mind and body have gone a bit wonky..
Today ain't such a bad day so I'm letting you guy know I ain't forgotten about you all ..
I may not be on to often at the moment but I ain't finished by a long shot yet...It's a temporary set back is all...