Climate change?


Legendary Knight

Also keep in mind that in the 70s we were told there was going to be another ice age, because the 70s was a particular cold period, so any temperature measured with the 70s as a starting point will show warming.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I reckon it's time to wash this truck with a fire hose.
There's definitely some shit stuck to it...
I think we should be encouraging public spirited motorists to carry stout cable ties (plasticuffs!) in their glove compartments and to attach these jokers to traffic signs for plod to release at their leisure. What they are doing is fundamentally undemocratic because it lacks significant popular support.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
I know he is Mr Marmite but I must say I agree with his comments on this one and I still think we are heading for a two tier society on this matter
You mean Mr Mogadon 😴

As for two tier society it's a Labour trope. We have a multi tiered society conditioned by wealth. It's usually trotted out about the NHS to maintain votes from everyone opposed to any kind of innovation in that Sacred Cow that daily staggers closer to the abattoir. The one statistic to hand onto is that 52% of NHS Staff are non clinical.

The ULEZ shite is pumped out by the politburo of political leeches like Khan in his chauffeured Chelsea Tractor where the taxpayers pick up the tab for EVERYTHING. It's despicable.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight


Legendary Knight
Meanwhile some retired Norwegian professor has rumbled the Met Office for fiddling its data....

Many organisations including NASA have been fiddling their data recently, attempting to "forget" recent warm periods, like the 1930's, but all you have to do is access historic news paper reports which show that the 1930's were a significant warm period with quite extreme high temperatures. However this is when CO2 was below todays level, and well below the "safe" limit arbitrarily set by the climate alarmists.

It should be obvious to anyone who has an iota of intelligence, that when someone has to resort to data misrepresentation and fabrication that they have no substantive argument and they are misleading you. It amazes me that people can believe all this climate alarmist bullshit when there are obvious physical observables that prove it to be bollocks, and millions of years of historic data that show a repeating, predictable climate cycle. But then some people still believe the China flu jab is beneficial for their health, despite all the lies now being exposed :rolleyes:


Legendary Knight
Not strictly climate change but environmentalism, and does have an impact on pollution and CO2 production...

IMO this is one of the real threats to life on earth, not the false climate change narrative.