Climate change?


Legendary Knight
This one is interesting, a woman who used to be a green environmentalist but then started doing some proper research. Now she is anti the climate change agenda, and regularly holds her council to account and educates them on their crazy climate policy. She demonstrates that the so called climate/environmental solutions are more damaging and polluting than the supposed problem they are trying to fix. She also highlights that councilors are brainwashed and pig ignorant of the facts, that they are just blindly following the agenda pushed on them by "advisors" and central government.



Legendary Knight
This video is interesting and demonstrates that as usual what we are being told by government and MSM is the opposite of the truth. Also this guy accepts that CO2 is a problem, which it is not, and it doesn't take into account the benefits to farming and food production that increased CO2 provides. However what it does demonstrate is that cooling, even moderate cooling, kills 10 times as many people as extreme warming, and that any financial benefit of climate policy (Net Zero etc) is many many times less that the actual costs of trying to achieve it. So basically by stopping the use of fossil fuels and trying to implement Net Zero type policies, will kill millions more people and make the rest poorer.



Legendary Knight
We knew it and a prestigious journal have shown the truth

Well done Nature for publishing that data, because they must have known the shit storm it would unleash from the climate alarmist nutters.

Just about every claim the climate alarmist agenda makes is proven wrong; Polar Bear populations are larger and stronger than they have been for decades, the Polar Ice Cap has not melted, tropical storms are less frequent and less severe, sea levels have only increased at the same rate they have done for 100s of years (and that's because we are still coming out of an Ice Age), CO2 levels are not high we are actually in a CO2 drought, deserts are shrinking not growing, the coral reefs have not all died they are growing, tropical islands are not disappearing under the sea but many are growing in size, record breaking high temperatures are proven to be fabricated by selectively choosing where those temperature are recorded (airport runways, etc 🙄) and by ignoring and/or deleting historical temperature data.

It's all bollocks, so how long are they going to continue to try to ram this total shite down our throats? :mad:

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Polar Bear populations are larger and stronger than they have been for decades,
So much that there is a thriving industry of tours to see them, one of the biggest attractions in the North, The town of Churchill is taken over by them at certain periods of time



Legendary Knight
Well done Nature for publishing that data, because they must have known the shit storm it would unleash from the climate alarmist nutters.

Just about every claim the climate alarmist agenda makes is proven wrong; Polar Bear populations are larger and stronger than they have been for decades, the Polar Ice Cap has not melted, tropical storms are less frequent and less severe, sea levels have only increased at the same rate they have done for 100s of years (and that's because we are still coming out of an Ice Age), CO2 levels are not high we are actually in a CO2 drought, deserts are shrinking not growing, the coral reefs have not all died they are growing, tropical islands are not disappearing under the sea but many are growing in size, record breaking high temperatures are proven to be fabricated by selectively choosing where those temperature are recorded (airport runways, etc 🙄) and by ignoring and/or deleting historical temperature data.

It's all bollocks, so how long are they going to continue to try to ram this total shite down our throats? :mad:
It was a bit windy the other day, I'm sure that's down to climate change.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight