Climate change?

Don the Don

Legendary Knight


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
...,"Ok, who was in-charge of the sat-nav? We've ended up in Jockistan FFS!"...

BBC News - Climate change: Future disease risk from mosquitos in Scotland - BBC News

Watch out @MartytheMartian, next you'll be getting suntan lotion of your duffle coat 😉


Legendary Knight
I ain't worried. Never used suntan lotion in my feckin' puff and I've never owned a duffle coat either. Irvin flying jacket for the real cold weather (and it has to be bloody freezin' or I melt inside that jacket) and a leather the rest of the time. As for mosquito's I'll believe it when I see it. All that climate change pish is fairy tales. The tide comes in just as far now as it did when I was a nipper fifty years ago and the weather isn't really much different on the whole. Christ I remember the scorching long summers of the seventies and eighties and we didn't have no fuckin' mosquito's. The media, bunch of arseholes that they are think that, if they tell us enough we will eventually believe it well they can go and fuck themselves I don't believe more than a fraction of what I read in the 'press' these days.

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
More delusional c#nts!
I'm positive that these people are paid to stage these ridiculous protests.
Everything about this is bullshit!..

Life in Northamptonshire is going to get more expensive and difficult to get around, will have to stop breaking wind jez


Legendary Knight
Of late I've been thinking more and more about just how all this shit we are having chucked at us is just about the middle class pigs ripping the ordinary guy off whether it's the landlords, caravan park owners, hotel owners being paid fortunes from the tax payers pockets to house Illegal Immigrants, Universities and their waste of space staff sucking on the tit of foreign student intake to the civil servants at all levels being paid ridiculous amounts of money to promote 'inclusivity' and 'diversity' to the lawyers making a fortune out of legal aid representing people who have no excuse to be in our country whatsoever.

Politicians, civil servants, council workers, NHS workers, Doctors, Surgeons, Politicians, educators, Lawyers, Hoteliers, Caravan park owners etc. etc. don't create a penny of wealth for this country but suck greedily at the tits of those who do via the public purse and, meanwhile, consider themselves very much superior to the ordinary bloke actually making things or dealing in goods to generate wealth for the nation.


Legendary Knight

IMO all this bullshit data and reporting is deliberate brainwashing, it has happened every year for the last decade or so, the Daily Express being one of the worst and most ridiculous culprits. I believe it is designed to stick in the memory, so even if at the time you can clearly see that what is being reported is simply not true, those headlines and the false data stick in the memory, so it becomes easier in the future to try to convince the population that the climate catastrophe bullshit is true.

Those if us if a certain age all know the weather is not significantly different from when we were kids, you have periods of hot, and periods of cold, periods of dry, and then wet. Sea levels are no different from over a 100 years ago, which is simply proved by looking at old photos of seaside beaches and quays.