Forum Duck
I see my two German shepherds as my daughters so I can relate..RIP, Lilly.
If it helps, Jez, I heard that my Cindy (Border Collie crossed wi' summat orange) had died when I got back in radio range of base after tipping 25 tonnes of barley at Knapton near Scarborough. Spent the next hour in a layby just outside Malton sobbing my eyes out. She had been my constant companion in my wagon for around 7 years after my divorce. She was pretty much the daughter I never had. I miss her to this day and will never forget her. So many happy memories!
There you are then, now you know. Badass biking trucker is a right bloody softy!! Who knew??
I love them girls and they always try to get to me through the fence gate or come up to the back door of the barn annexe where they live with the soon to be ex wife when I put my bike in the garage when I return home...
Breaks my heart I will never be able to fuss walk or talk to them ever again..
A dog is not just a dog..They see through to your soul and love you regardless...Their loyalty never wavers and they will dedicate their life to being your companion and best friend..