This little pup is turning into a Holy Terror. How cocky does she look?
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Every one of that breed I've ever met has had zero idea how small it is. I assume they are like vampires i.e. no reflection in a mirror.
I used to regularly see a couple over the park with a female when I was walking Dozer.
He & she used to flirt. Much to the amusement of myself & her owners.
Then they got a male as well. During our next meeting the male got very defensive of HIS bitch. He jumped up & latched onto the side of Dozers face & was shaking his entire body for all he was worth. That just about caused Dozers head to move from side to side slightly.
When it eventually let go all concerned got ready to separate the two male dogs. Fearing that Dozer would take the little fellas head off
But no, to his credit. When the little fella hit the ground Dozer licked him. I assume he thought it was a game?