
Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Mollie had a cyst on her left front paw. It grew quite quickly, had her booked in for surgery to remove it end of Jan...we got snowed in, so rebooked. We got snowed in again, so finally got it done start if last week, by which time the cyst, though not ready to burst, and not giving her any pain, was about the size of a small grape.

In the vets at 9am, and picked her up at around noon, still a bit groggy, but quite happy.

£480. Well spent as she's worth it, but they know how to charge, don't they?

She has healed up well, nice clean scar, she's wearing a bag when she goes out to keep it clean. Still has her sense of fun.....IMG-20240305-WA0000.jpg

That's her carrying her new squeaky frisbee, which we got her on the day, she cuddled it all the way home! She can see through the hole in the middle, thankfully. Still got her bandage on there.