My bits arrived late last night and were immediately fitted and the pump fired up. There was an audible gasp from my sewage treatment plant as all those aerobic bacteria sucked in fresh air and shouted how much they had been gagging for it. It’s not a job I ever considered.
When I was at school (back when Pontius was still a Pilate) we had to do a project over the summer holidays on ‘water’. My godmother's husband ran a company that made sewage systems, so I studied sewage engineering for a few weeks and went out with one of their guys, installed one system on a building site, and repaired another system on the way home - which involved putting on a dry suit and literally swimming in it while I repaired the drive chain on a modular rotating disc constant flow system. I got bad marks on the project because though I had done a big write up on the different types of systems and the processes of treatment, apparently I was meant to have asked a question and then researched the solutions, instead of educating myself in a practical way.
This is what happens when you have teachers who teach but have no real world experience because they went from school to university, and then back to school without having done shit in the real world (in this case quite literally!). The teacher didn't understand it so it got low marks. Conversely for my physics project I covered diamond thin films (basically laying down several microns of carbon and then laser treating it to convert it into diamond for things like the lenses on the Hubble telescope to render them scratch-proof) and Buckminster Fullerines (carbon 60 molecules); because it was something he'd got no experience of and he used my project to learn from, I got an A grade.