Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
This won't age well. Change may be inevitable but not it's speed or direction.

Business responds to demand. Legislators can't invent technology.

There is a basic problem with electrical infrastructure for generation and distribution before the problem of batteries. Diesel will haul freight for plenty of time to come creating petro as an inevitable by-product.

Necessity is the mother of invention and EVs are still expressions of virtuous choice rather than products of need. Something may yet emerge to change the game but competitively priced transport makes economies work.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
EVs are still expressions of virtuous choice rather than products of need.
The lady who was the big cheese at the charity I used to volunteer at. Had a Toyota Prius that she used for work. Everyone thought she was the archetypal eco warrior.
What they didn't know was that when her husband had sadly passed away a few years prior. She hung onto his V8 petrol Jaaaaaaag as a weekend toy.
I only found out because she knew I'm a petrolhead & discreet.

If you know me & you met her you'd never put the two of us together as friends. But she came to my 50th birthday & really threw herself into the party.
Afterwards she said that loud rock music, beer & biker humour. Was far more fun than stuffy dinner parties with her usual group of intellectual friends.

I think that was a compliment? 🤔 😉


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
As a low mileage road user. I was thinking this sounded good. Right up to the point he said the government would probably set an upper & lower cap...

If they don't set a minimum price. I should be better off re my Ford & the bike. I can't see it ever getting better than £30pa for the Merc or Mrs DD's daily driver.


Legendary Knight
As a low mileage road user. I was thinking this sounded good. Right up to the point he said the government would probably set an upper & lower cap...

If they don't set a minimum price. I should be better off re my Ford & the bike. I can't see it ever getting better than £30pa for the Merc or Mrs DD's daily driver.
Does this pretentious little prick think it's clever to drive one handed?


Legendary Knight
As a low mileage road user. I was thinking this sounded good. Right up to the point he said the government would probably set an upper & lower cap...

If they don't set a minimum price. I should be better off re my Ford & the bike. I can't see it ever getting better than £30pa for the Merc or Mrs DD's daily driver.

IMO the only ways I can see this working is by roadside cameras (potentially with more average speed checking), or tacho devices in all vehicles. I can't believe any system will be cheaper for the average road user, but it will be another intrusion into our privacy where we are tracked even more than we already are. I think it is more likely a tacho system will be used, as it's already proposed for use with automatic speed limiters, and then the data collected could be potentially used for speeding fines, and for assessing insurance risk so if you're not driving Miss Daisy then it could be used as an excuse to inflate your insurance cost.

I'm strongly against any kind of pay per mile tax (in addition to that of fuel), as I believe in incremental steps it will be used to limit everyone's (except the elites) mobility, and even restrict your ability to travel independently at all.


Legendary Knight
The problem with that from the point of view for Government and business is that without buses and without cars, vans and HGV's in particular you will screw tourism, make industry in rural areas virtually impossible, make transport of goods difficult and make it very difficult for businesses to access a broad selection of employee's without having to persuade them to re-locate closer to your business. Basically it would fuck the economy. Of course the Green mob and the liberal wankers don't think of or care about such things as they are usually what is laughingly called 'public servants' or work for some sort of interfering charity or other and so they don't know what it's like to compete for work and the effects of market forces


Legendary Knight
The problem with that from the point of view for Government and business is that without buses and without cars, vans and HGV's in particular you will screw tourism, make industry in rural areas virtually impossible, make transport of goods difficult and make it very difficult for businesses to access a broad selection of employee's without having to persuade them to re-locate closer to your business. Basically it would fuck the economy. Of course the Green mob and the liberal wankers don't think of or care about such things as they are usually what is laughingly called 'public servants' or work for some sort of interfering charity or other and so they don't know what it's like to compete for work and the effects of market forces

But IMO that is almost exactly what the objective is. As I've said before, I think they want to restrict the mobility of the plebs, forcing everyone to live in concentrated urban areas, being dependent upon everything being delivered or as a service, so almost entirely dependent on the state and therefore totally under control. I think the way they intent to do this is by the bullshit climate change agenda, the bullshit energy crisis, and bullshit food crisis, making land become so valuable that it is deemed not acceptable for private ownership, as it will be required for food production and crops for bio fuels. All this was predicted months if not years ago, and it is being manoeuvred to at an alarming rate.


Legendary Knight
But what is that 'control' for @Scrappy that's what puzzles me. I really, honestly can't see what they could benefit from control. As far as the land is concerned, most of the land across a vast area where I live is largely worthless as farm land except for sheep and we all know how unsuccessful the previous attempts to use the highlands for large scale sheep farming were.

I don't know but I just don't see an invisible hand controlling everyone. What I see is a whole bunch of disjointed muppets with moronic ideas on a hundred and one things all pulling in different directions while convinced that they are travelling in the same direction. Basically, all I see is incredible fuckin' stupidity on a global scale rather than any master plan. I am glad that I live in a rural area and I plan to stay 'under the radar' whatever happens for as long as possible and watch the world continue to turn to shit from a distance until, if necessary I have to choose death to escape from the miserable suppurating boil that is the human race, unless of course an inter-stellar ship finally turns up to get me the fuck outta Dodge.


Legendary Knight
But what is that 'control' for @Scrappy that's what puzzles me. I really, honestly can't see what they could benefit from control. As far as the land is concerned, most of the land across a vast area where I live is largely worthless as farm land except for sheep and we all know how unsuccessful the previous attempts to use the highlands for large scale sheep farming were.

I don't know but I just don't see an invisible hand controlling everyone. What I see is a whole bunch of disjointed muppets with moronic ideas on a hundred and one things all pulling in different directions while convinced that they are travelling in the same direction. Basically, all I see in incredible fuckin' stupidity on a global scale rather than any master plan.

I don't know why any sane person would want total global control either, but to me that does seem to be the objective. I have a theory, but its just supposition about an imminent global catastrophe, and the elites are harvesting resources both food and energy to store for their future, and also harvesting wealth to pay for infrastructure to attempt to build (don't know what) to protect themselves from that catastrophe. That is the only way my feeble mind can make any sense of the absolute madness that seems to defy all rational thought.

But @MartytheMartian, it is not an invisible hand, they are out in the open, mainly the WEF at the top of the pyramid, with their subordinate organisations like the WHO, UN, EU, etc below them. And they are not particularly hiding what they are doing, apart from the reasoning behind their agenda/actions. The WEF 'you will own nothing and be happy', the WHO trying to get all nations to agree a treaty giving them global control over future pandemic response and restrictions (fortunately just blocked for the short term, but will no doubt be back soon). The WEF also have already stated that they have 'infiltrated' (their word not mine) many world governments, with the likes of Trudeau, Arden, Macron, etc, even Boris Johnson is supposed to be a prodigy of the WEF, and many heads of those other organisations mentioned are WEF members. Democracy is an illusion, the people do not vote in the members of the WEF, WHO, or even the policy makers in the EU and yet it is they that control much of global policy/direction, so whilst they may seem moronic they are not invisible and they are all pulling in the same direction.


Legendary Knight
I hear what you say about the WEF, WHO, EU etc. but I do wonder just how genuinely successful they will be and I suspect that we are already witnessing the true decline of not just Western but also global civilisation but, at the same time I have to say that I, and I suspect a lot of other 'ordinary bods' don't care any more, in fact I often wake up hoping that 'today will be the day that the world ends' so I stop having to even bother about how to keep pushing the ball up the hill into the future. Whatever ideas the 'Powers that Be' have for the future they are welcome to them. If there is a God I am happy to move on to wherever he wants to send me and if there isn't well what does it matter whether another generation or another thousand generations populate the planet and what point is there to life and caring about what those who get off on supposedly running things are up to.

Kids of the Sixties and seventies in the UK I reckon enjoyed the finest period of life in the history of the UK and life now sucks severely.


Legendary Knight
Kids of the Sixties and seventies in the UK I reckon enjoyed the finest period of life in the history of the UK and life now sucks severely.

I agree, and I've heard many people say the same. Our generation has lived at the best of times with the greatest freedom and highest standard of living.

I'm just praying for another peasants revolt, or our makers to return and sort things out again ;). I don't fear my end, and if things really go to shite, then I hope I go down fighting.