Some hope opposing the electric nightmare?


Legendary Knight

Its all a load of bollocks, because the man made climate change myth is bollocks.

From my own real world experience, I know that car drivers do hear my bike, maybe not if you are travelling at speed, but when filtering etc at lower speeds (when I believe you are most vulnerable) a little blip of the throttle does get their attention and alert them to your presence.

Most of these studies are funded or influenced by those that profit either financially or in power/control from people giving up their ICE vehicles to buy new EVs.

Also the energy produced to recharge EVs currently does not come mainly from renewable energy sources, but comes from burning fossil fuels to generate the electricity, and is unlikely to change any time soon.

Then there is the massive environmental damage caused, the energy used, and green house gasses produced, by scrapping ICE vehicles prematurely, and from the dumping of EV batteries that are non recyclable.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Its all a load of bollocks, because the man made climate change myth is bollocks.

From my own real world experience, I know that car drivers do hear my bike, maybe not if you are travelling at speed, but when filtering etc at lower speeds (when I believe you are most vulnerable) a little blip of the throttle does get their attention and alert them to your presence.

Most of these studies are funded or influenced by those that profit either financially or in power/control from people giving up their ICE vehicles to buy new EVs.

Also the energy produced to recharge EVs currently does not come mainly from renewable energy sources, but comes from burning fossil fuels to generate the electricity, and is unlikely to change any time soon.

Then there is the massive environmental damage caused, the energy used, and green house gasses produced, by scrapping ICE vehicles prematurely, and from the dumping of EV batteries that are non recyclable.
Agreed. The biggest myth of the lot is 'climate crisis'. Sadly we have had a pandemic that wasn't really that killed nothing like the advertised numbers but all too many still believe the propaganda rather than their eyes and ears. Just stop and ask if you know more Covid deaths or more vax injuries in your circle of friends and family.

The misinformation industry is led by the very corporate funded 'Fact Checkers' so beloved of willing dupes in our former home. Objective truth is in shorter supply.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Just watched this weeks Top Gear and there was an interesting section on future fuels - two of which would utilise the existing petrol station infrastructure(y) and does away with batteries and charging points:)

1. Hydrogen, as the means to create electricity to power the electric vehicle
2. Synthetic fuel which can be run by existing ICE vehicles - green and carbon neutral if we have to do away with fossil fuels this HAS to be a brilliant solution

In my view either of the above is an infinitely preferable solution to the existing one and does away with most of the negatives I see for electric vehicles and create another problem in getting enough power to the national grid to charge all these cars every day


Legendary Knight
I agree, we need a portable, instantly re-fillable fuel that doesn't rely on a widespread network of transmission lines to supply. Making everything purely electric seems far too 'eggs in one basket' for me as well. We need fuel that can be transported to where it's needed and stockpiled when there is excess for times when there is scarcity but I suspect that is widely known in the industry and the industry only cares about unit sales and inventing the 'next best thing' once everyone has invested in the current 'best thing' with the 'green' nuts falling right into their trap.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
Two years ago I'd have said she was crazy.
Unfortunately, now I believe what she's saying. Maybe not as soon as 5yrs as she suggests, but I reckon she's barking up the correct tree...

Just that, not as crazy as you might think, there’s a few places in Central London I’ve noticed with 20mph limits and they are no where near schools etc. It’s happening and it’s happening now:oops:


Legendary Knight
So you can't get away from liquid cooling even with electric bikes, it has to have two cooling systems, one for the battery and one for the engine :rolleyes:

The synthetic fuel comment sounds interesting, be interesting to know if £3 per litre would be an initial price and if that price might come down as production techniques improve and become more efficient 🤔


Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Humans are incredibly inventive and, if they make it harder and harder to buy new ICE vehicles, people will figure out ways to keep existing ones on the road much longer and they will probably figure out alternative ways to fuel them if petrol becomes overly expensive.
"Scotch whisky" no good for fook all else :whistle:, chip shop oil for your diesel ect ect, or total anarchy, invest in a rubber hose :whistle: