Myth Busters! Electric Motorcycles Edition | Episode #2
Welcome to another edition of Myth Busters! Electric Motorcycles Edition.
Myth Busters! Electric Motorcycles Edition | Episode #2
Welcome to another edition of Myth Busters! Electric Motorcycles
Agreed. The biggest myth of the lot is 'climate crisis'. Sadly we have had a pandemic that wasn't really that killed nothing like the advertised numbers but all too many still believe the propaganda rather than their eyes and ears. Just stop and ask if you know more Covid deaths or more vax injuries in your circle of friends and family.Its all a load of bollocks, because the man made climate change myth is bollocks.
From my own real world experience, I know that car drivers do hear my bike, maybe not if you are travelling at speed, but when filtering etc at lower speeds (when I believe you are most vulnerable) a little blip of the throttle does get their attention and alert them to your presence.
Most of these studies are funded or influenced by those that profit either financially or in power/control from people giving up their ICE vehicles to buy new EVs.
Also the energy produced to recharge EVs currently does not come mainly from renewable energy sources, but comes from burning fossil fuels to generate the electricity, and is unlikely to change any time soon.
Then there is the massive environmental damage caused, the energy used, and green house gasses produced, by scrapping ICE vehicles prematurely, and from the dumping of EV batteries that are non recyclable.
You can understand it Wales as speed has been killing too many of their loved ones......SheepTwo years ago I'd have said she was crazy.
Unfortunately, now I believe what she's saying. Maybe not as soon as 5yrs as she suggests, but I reckon she's barking up the correct tree...
Just that, not as crazy as you might think, there’s a few places in Central London I’ve noticed with 20mph limits and they are no where near schools etc. It’s happening and it’s happening nowTwo years ago I'd have said she was crazy.
Unfortunately, now I believe what she's saying. Maybe not as soon as 5yrs as she suggests, but I reckon she's barking up the correct tree...
I would like to see how they will do that only by pricing us off the roads or removing petrol, anyway I wonder just how many folk will have electric vehicles by then they will still be out of most peoples reach, I think a good second hand ICE supply will cover most folks needsI ain't going electric unless I am absolutely forced to.
The motors on most also use oil, the dreaded substance for all greeny's and also oil will still be used to produce plastic componants, as with most things they have not thought it out or are telling us all a pack of lies, or bothSo you can't get away from liquid cooling even with electric bikes
The motors on most also use oil, the dreaded substance for all greeny's and also oil will still be used to produce plastic componants, as with most things they have not thought it out or are telling us all a pack of lies, or both
"Scotch whisky" no good for fook all elseHumans are incredibly inventive and, if they make it harder and harder to buy new ICE vehicles, people will figure out ways to keep existing ones on the road much longer and they will probably figure out alternative ways to fuel them if petrol becomes overly expensive.